Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

Admin assistant

Архивная вакансия от 19.05.2010


Направления деятельности:

Секретариат и кадры

Регионы работы:




Perform technical functions to provide administrative support and facilitate activities of the group, as inter alia provided herein below;
Receive and send phone messages, write down and pass the messages received on to the addressees, make arrangements for phone and conference calls;
Receive from the subdivisions any necessary information, make necessary arrangements for meetings and take minutes of the meetings and prepare protocols, if necessary;
Coordinate supplying the group with necessary stationery and office equipment; printed matters and other sources of information, create required working conditions to increase, in the above terms, efficiency;
Do necessary typing work, prepare draft cover letters, orders and other correspondence and documents, as well as prepare materials for presentation at the above-mentioned meetings;
Do all necessary clerical work, receive, process and pass on the incoming correspondence, do follow-up control of the instructions given to staff and signal missing such deadlines;
Complete documentary files in accordance with the established procedures; ensure their safekeeping and timely transfer to the archives;
If necessary, act as an interpreter during the meetings and phone talks, prepare draft written translations as requested;
Maintain travel and meeting calendars, reserve tickets and hotels for the group;
Assist in keeping registration log and processing of the contracts presented to the group, search for document and information using, including but not limited to, legal data bases and Internet access;
Follow other verbal or written instructions and directives issued from the Supervisor;


The candidate shall have minimum 3 years in administration support to manager/ group;
Higher education
Ability to work within a team and coach others where necessary;
The ability to work as part of a team and to effectively interact with a variety of personnel;
Proficiency with Computer programmes; Word, Excel;
Proficient in written and oral English and Russian;
Good communication skills.

E-mail: evgeniya.maklaeva@sgs.com

Телефон: +7 495 775 44 55 (336)

№ вакансии: 12940

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