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Assistant of Project Manager (construction)

Архивная вакансия от 04.07.2012



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Assistant of Project Manager (construction) for Anotech ENERGY Russia

Anotech ENERGY is an engineering consulting company with more than 550 employees. We are the partner of major players in the oil and gas industry, construction and energy sectors. Anotech ENERGY is a subsidiary that belongs to Alten S.A which is a French Engineering consulting group that counts over 15 000 employees in 18 countries.

This position is based in Moscow, Russia. The Assistant of Project Manager(construction) will be involved in projects of an international retail group.

The project will be from 3 categories as follow:
• Construction of new facilities
• Reorganization of existing facilities
• Construction of new infrastructures

• Carries out construction project duties as established by the Project Manager.
• Assist with the engineering and permitting activity on allocated projects including support and reviews; communication and consultation with other functions and interfaces with contractors, and shareholders of the projects.
• Assist the Project with the definition of the permitting documents, providing documentation and opened letters to third parties.
• Attend record briefings of construction updates to the project team.
• Ensure that materials are specified correctly, orders are placed to meet the project programme and that an up to date material schedule is maintained for the project.
• Assist with the implementation of in process inspection and surveillance regime.
• Provide subcontractor administration as it relates to proposal planning

Context and environment:

• Resident, Moscow.

Qualifications and Experience required:

Higher education
Minimum 4 years experience in the construction industry.
Fluent in English or French (speaking and writing)
Fluent Russian is mandatory.
Good communication skills, able to work in a multicultural environment.

E-mail: a.larionova@anotech.fr


№ вакансии: 23735

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