Chief Process Engineer
Архивная вакансия
от 12.01.2012 |
Направления деятельности:
Инженерно-технический персонал ИТР
Регионы работы:
Function • Follow the sequential approach for analyzing the existing process of oil & gas production, gathering, preparation & transportation; • Perform calculations on concept operational development, expansion of operating facilities to achieve the company targets in oil production enhancement & cost reduction; • Provide the design team with “Technical design requirements”, agreed by Operational department; • Control over the existing equipment & facilities modernization; • Closely cooperate with design team & existing equipment modernization team; • Initiate calculations & implementation of the changes in technological scheme of oil & gas gathering, preparation & transportation for operational costs’ cutting, safety improvement in operation, minimization of oil shortfalls; • Create, calibrate & combine the overall computer model GAP SURFACE with GAP PROSPER; • Work on developing the model for CPF, CTF & water injection system for further their combination with GAP MODEL; • Use the sequential approach for analyzing the data, coming from other specialists (technologists, geologists, and production technologies), participating in system modeling, i.e. fluids behavior modeling in the reservoir, well & surface facilities; • Define the incompatibility of various fluids, inhibitors & demulsifiers in one flow; • Apply the knowledge of fluids separation in the flow, various demulsifiers & emulsions properties; • Evaluate the influence over processes due to water cut changes in well products; • Define the required pipeline diameter & pump rates of the fluid pumping systems; • Use the appropriate methods of fluid volume calculation for single-phase & multi-phase systems; • Demonstrate understanding of different hydraulic regimes’ influence in multiphase (pipeline) systems; • Predict the fluid behavior in transitional (not settled) regime, i.e. cases of fluid delay & plugging in pipelines; • Identify the reasons for plugging & develop the following strategies for its prevention; • Evaluate the influence of water, non-hydrocarbon components & other contaminating agents on the system operation; • Develop corresponding strategies for elimination of negative particles, such as: hydrates, paraffins, asphaltenes, solid particles, corrosion, etc.; • Determine the components of gas & fluids; • Evaluate the reasons of fluids pulsation & its consequences in the multiphase flow in the field; • Estimate the options of the pipeline system upgrade; • Understand & implement the basic principles, technologies & methods used for gas & fluid separation & cross-separation of fluids; • Determine working regimes & necessity of using devices for separation improvement: driers, dehydrators & others; • Know the basics of designing (sizes & predicted work regimes) for: separators, choke catchers, dehydrators, and filters, breaking devices, hydrocyclones, centrifuges & filtering methods, pumps, stabilization casings & other equipment. The design should include the actual data, e.g. inside structure, manifolds location & their diameters, materials, chemicals, isolation requirements & others; • Be able to determine the requirement for special equipment, e.g. devices for desalination, solids removal, water cleaning for oil production enhancement, pressure drawdown systems & etc.; • Know the basics of designing (calibration & expected operation) for heat-exchange equipment, such as tube-type heat exchanger with cover, air coolers, compact heat exchangers & heaters for oil heating; • Understand the basic principles & methods, used in subordinate technology systems; • Determine the design basics (selection of sizes & rates) of subordinate technology systems, such as chemicals injection systems, automation air output, lubricants, seal oil system, nitrogen system, open & close drain system; • Estimate & determine operation & integration limits for technology systems / pipelines, as well as for technological equipment (including flow provision through the system); • Describe normal stable operation regimes, also transition regimes, including startup, stop, pressure drop & decompression; • Check the equipment selection for alternative operation conditions & consider discontinuous operation regime for startup / stop, failures & etc.; • Develop the strategies for risks reduction while failure elimination; • Determine the influence of future changes in the field behavior on the equipment integrity & production dynamics. Meanwhile consider such values as pressure drop, temperature & production decrease, increase of water cut & hydrogen sulphide content, corrosion, paraffin formation & other sources; • Contribute to the preparation of regulations on surface production systems’ operation, e.g. description of technological systems, documents on personnel preparation, operational strategies & logic schemes; • Know when, why & how to implement modelling & imitation methods; • Form the basis for model designing (determine preferable work parameters for stable operation regime); • Perform modelling & analysis of the surface production facilities. Use modeling tools in order to understand & support the surface production facilities design, to comply with the required processing capacities & quality specs; • Analyze operational parameters of equipment, pipelines, CPF, CTF, water injection system. • Control over the reconciliation processes in RF / Oblast state services: - Norms for technology oil & gas losses; - GORs in separation units; - Standards for the oil for own use. • Upgrade the process of oil preparation for oil technology losses reduction; • Participate in audits; • Continuously work in the direction of HSE goals achievement. Upgrade the self-knowledge & contractors knowledge for achieving GOAL ZERO; • Perform technical and functional supervision of corresponding process engineering staff; participate in pre-employment interviews, development of schedule of work for corresponding process engineering staff; • Organize and assure development, maintenance, and timely revision of technical documentation on operation of units; • Supervise development, revision and submit for approval Regulation on supervision and organization of operation of facilities; organize provision of subdivisions with approved design, execution, as-built documentation, passports and manufacturer instructions for equipment; organize and control timely arrangement of certificates, development and revision of operation schemes, organize development of instructions on technical operation and maintenance of equipment. • Organize training, instruction of process engineering staff, competency assessment, and permission to carry out independent work of process engineering staff; • Provide Technical oversight in Process Engineering of Designs for implementation and construction / operations of running equipment. • Provide Technical oversight for Process Engineering to assure established procedures for putting units into operation after capital construction, reconstruction, or capital repair; • Lead development of plans of long-term development of facilities, development of actions on reconstruction and technical modernization of the company, development of terms of reference for design of new and reconstruction and modernization of operating units, development of actions to reduce norms of energy consumption, introduction of new equipment providing for more reliable, cost-efficient and safe operation of power units, and also improvement of work efficiency within the Process Engineering discipline; • Provide final authorization of Technical assignments for Process Engineering discipline; • Organize the process of approval for key process engineering technical documentation; • Provide final authorization of Change Requests for the Process Engineering discipline as part of the Change Management process.
Requirements • Position of Chief Process Engineer should be taken by the person with higher technical education of oil specification & work experience in oil producing companies on the positions directly connected to oil production & preparation, including work experience in managing positions, minimum 5 years; • Chief Process Engineer should be competent in the following areas: - Prescriptive & ordering documents, methodical materials, current standards, technical specifications, regulations & instructions for the performed work scope; - Fluid & gas physical behaviors in formation and processing equipment / systems; - Fundamental principles of thermodynamics; - Methods of oil gathering, preparation & transportation to consumers, technological system construction & operation; - Industrial standards; - Perspectives for technical development & activity specifications of the company & its departments; - Technical knowledge of wells & production facilities operation, of different ways of well production; - Contracts preparation & administration. Knowledge of HSE in the contract process; - Russian rules & norms of labor safety, industrial, fire & economical safety, including the requirements of the «System of work activities for labor & industry safety in oil producing industry», basics of the environmental safety legislation & of ecology safety, as well as corporate SPD & Shell standards. - Information technologies, computer software & applications; - Computer process modeling methods (e.g. HYSYS, Pipesim, etc).
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