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Cost Control Engineer

Архивная вакансия от 24.04.2010


Направления деятельности:


Регионы работы:

за пределами России


B. Sc. In Mechanical Engineering or equivalent degree.
5 years experience in maintenance planning, cost control and contract management, preferably in an oil/gas or petrochemical industry.
Good computer knowledge

Controls maintenance cost including materials cost related to all maintenance activities carried out in the Division. Identifies maintenance works suitable for contracting out and prepares detailed specifications and work scope thereof. Participates in preparation of annual maintenance budgets, monitors maintenance expenditure and annual maintenance budgets, monitors maintenance expenditure and prepares periodic cost performance and management reports.
Participates in progress monitoring of contract execution works and during shutdowns
Please, mark letters as "cost control"
Location -Abu-Dhabi

E-mail: hr@nur-consulting.net


№ вакансии: 12495

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