Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

Cтажер в HSE отдел

Архивная вакансия от 11.07.2012


Направления деятельности:

Охрана труда и техника безопасности

Регионы работы:



Требуется стажер в HSE отдел крупной нефтегазовой компании. Срок – 3 месяца.

The functions to be performed by an intern:

Calculation and verification of periodical and non-periodical environmental reports to authorities,
Calculation and verification of periodical and non-periodical environmental reports to Headquarters,
Preparation and consolidation of environmental information requested during audits/ inspections,
Assistance during development of Projects for Air Emissions and Waste Generation,
Assistance in implementation of GIS and incorporation of environmental data into the system.
An intern will need to ensure proper and timely reporting to concerned parties. By end of internship an intern will need to be capable to obtain all needed information and provide whole environmental reporting with use of specialized software by him (her)self.

The trainee will have to organize him (her)self to meet these objectives. He/she will have to contact other departments in order to obtain needed information.

Training period to be identified (approximately 3 months). The trainee will report to Environment Protection Engineer.

E-mail: asvetanko@energycareers.com

Телефон: +7(495)988-4206

№ вакансии: 23943

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