Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

General Director

Вакансия от 10.03.2017


JV Tecnimont-KTR

Направления деятельности:

Проектирование объектов, Строительство, Управленцы и руководящий состав

Регионы работы:

Вакансии + добавить новую компанию


The newly created JV, namely Tecnimont-KTR, located in Kazakhstan with international (Italian) and local (Kazakh) shareholders.

The projects are to be operated: related to construction of commercial pipelines in oil&gas sphere in Kazakhstan area.

Main responsibilities:

• To act on behalf of the Employer according to the charter, represent its interests and complete
• To issue powers of attorney for the right of representation on behalf of the Employer, including
powers of attorney with the power of substitution;
• To select and terminate contractors, subcontractors and suppliers;
• To conduct negotiations, submit offers, participate in tenders and sign, amend and withdraw all
contracts, commitments, documents, correspondence and representations in the name of the
Employer, whatever the type and contents thereof provided;

• To accept, amend, extend, release and call all bank guarantees when necessary, with joint
• To establish, maintain and operate, in the name of the Employer, bank accounts and customary
books and records and make and receive all payments, instructions and communications and to
negotiate, correspond and sign all receipts and discharges on behalf of the Employer, in all matters
connected with the business of the Employer, including that with clients, suppliers and contractors,
provided, however, that bank accounts shall be operated with joint signature.
• Organization and development of company development strategy;
• Planning and composition of business processes;
• Conducting of negotiations and business meetings;
• Organization of company goals and development of budget.

Main requirements:

• Knowledge of Kazakhstan legislation;
• Knowledge of international potential clients requirements;
• Preparation of Bid proposals for international clients;
• Fluent English.

E-mail: v.kalashnikova@tecnimont.ru


№ вакансии: 31549

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