Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

Materials / Corrosion Engineering Manager

Архивная вакансия от 29.03.2012



Направления деятельности:

Инженерно-технический персонал ИТР

Регионы работы:

Вакансии Fircroft


The Company:
Our is a major Russian Oil & Gas company working on an international level, with many projects worldwide.

The Role:
• Development of oil and gas fields.
• Conceptual and detailed design of new process equipment, pipelines and reservoirs in the light of operational reliability.
• Development of technical specifications for the design of process equipment, taking into account the features of technological processes, chemical compositions of fluids and climate data fields.
• Develop a corporate technical standards in order to create a uniform set of requirements and achieve maximum harmonization of technical approaches and methods in the design of process equipment and piping on all projects of the Company.
• Ensure the design of an asset group technical support and advice on the selection of materials for the manufacture of technological equipment and pipelines.
• Conduct a detailed analysis of the studies carried out by contractors for the design, the impact of process fluids and media present at the field of materials manufacturing equipment and metal structures.
• Review and approval of philosophies and the matrix of choice of materials prepared by the contractor on the basis of research.
• Review and approval of cost estimates for various choices of materials.
• Conduct independent assessment rate calculations and profiles of corrosion and degradation of materials, using generally accepted industry practices and standards (ASTM G102-89, DNV-RP-B101).
• Evaluation of the proposed systems designer for surface coatings (paint and varnish, plastics, galvanirovanie, spraying, fusing) and make conclusions on the technical feasibility and economic profitability of the chosen solutions.
• Develop methodologies and procedures to monitor and reduce the rate of corrosion / erosion in pipelines and process equipment in accordance with leading international practice and the requirements of industry standards (ASTM G96-90, ASTM G189-07, SNiP 2.03.11-85).
• Understand the technology of materials, their chemical and thermal processing and quality control and their behavior in different environments.
• Know the procedures for ASME V and Russian counterparts to conduct nondestructive testing of materials (UT, RT, DP, MP, etc.).
• Understand the standards of ASME IX welding and inspection of materials and welds ASME V.
• Have experience in designing equipment for corrosive and acidic environments (high content of hydrogen sulfide), with the requirements of NACE MR 0175.
• Know and widely applied principles and methods of Risk Based Inspection (RBI), in accordance with API581.
• Have skills in determining the mechanisms of fracture of materials and methods of dealing with them in accordance with API 571.
• Have a deep understanding and extensive experience with quantitative analysis of the "residual life" pieces of equipment and piping in accordance with the methodology of API579.
• Understand and apply the requirements of the world's leading practices and standards for the design of systems of anti-corrosion inhibition.
• Understand and apply the standards for the preparation of metallic coatings for the application of protective coatings (ISO 8501-1/2/3, NACE No. 5/SSPC-SP 12, NORSOK M-501).
• Understand and apply the requirements of standards, technical conditions for installing insulation on pipelines and process equipment.
• Understand and apply methods and recommended practices to ensure fire protection (fire proofing) of steel structures, pipelines and process equipment.
• Participate in HAZAN / HAZID / Design Reviews as an expert on materials, corrosion protection and operation with the Office of Personnel nadezhnosti.Sovmestno develop programs for training and retraining for employees of the Company, responsible for equipment reliability and availability of assets.

Essential Skills / Qualifications:
• Fluent in both ENGLISH and RUSSIAN.
• Must have higher technical education.
• Must be elegible to work in the Russian Federation.

About Fircroft:
Fircroft is a leading provider of technical recruitment solutions to a number of specialist industries, active in over 30 countries worldwide. Our key sectors include: Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals & Process, Automotive & Aerospace, Nuclear & Power, Mining & Minerals and General Engineering.

For further information or to discuss any opportunities, please contact Dennis Yurkevich at Fircroft on +7 (495) 604-17-45

E-mail: dyurkevich@fircroft.com

Телефон: +7 (495) 604-17-45

№ вакансии: 22908

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