Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
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FPU Operations and follow-up Engineer

Архивная вакансия от 22.09.2011


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Регионы работы:

Любой город


International oil and gas company

FPU Operations and follow-up Engineer

• Check topside engineering from the risers from subsea wells to the export pipeline in term of suitability for operation and maintenance concerning all marine aspects and hull utilities;
• Check that engineered solutions are in line with topsides and export pipeline production availability targets;
• Ensure that marine and logistics aspects are correctly foreseen for the topside installation (e.g. crane operation, helicopter operation, helicopter refueling) and for the floater operation;
• Operational and maintenance look for all systems located in the hull (e.g. ballasting system, sea water lifting, slop tanks, etc) including safety. (safety logic, operation manual, maintenance manual, etc.);
• Check that all ancillary equipment are correctly designed and will facilitate maintenance (e.g.: sea water pumping, cranes, etc);
• Check the impact on operations of the ice management aspects (such as ballasting);
• Check that engineered solutions of the turret are suitable for operation, routine maintenance and major overhaul. (Cooperation with topside maintenance engineer);
• For the FPU: check the impact on operations of the longitudinal beam follow-up;
• Operational look for all anchoring system (e.g. tensioned design, maintenance and change of all anchoring ropes, etc);
• Operational look for all riser systems (e.g.: maintenance and change of all risers, etc);
• Participate to discussion concerning first connection, (disconnection and further connection);
• Plan development of operating procedures;
• Define marine operation team manning and prepares recruitment and training with HR support;
• Report to Pre-Operation Manager highlighting problems encountered in the performance of his duties.

• Graduate engineer or equivalent;
• Fluent in English;
• 5 / 10 years of experience in offshore operation North Sea, HSE management;
• Background in marine aspects (Such Hull design & certification) appreciated.

E-mail: anna.pishchal@sgs.com


№ вакансии: 20231

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