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Specialist Soil/Structure Interactions

Вакансия от 09.06.2014


Юнити - Unity

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Вакансии Юнити - Unity


Our client one of the biggest international oil and gas company.

Job dimensions:
Job holder is a scientist recognized for his ability to managed research from theoretical to pilot implementation in the field of geotechnical science. As part of its duty, (s)he will coordinate works performed by scientific institutes including follow up of 2 to 3 Phd’s

Job holder is responsible to develop R&D activities on the technical topics related soil/structure interactions in permafrost. The job holder will interact with Company, Headquarters, other subsidiaries, Research institutes (in Russia and abroad) in geotechnic and geophysic.
The perimeter of the jobs covers all E&P works interaction with permafrost: drilling and wells, pipelines design and construction, foundations design, coastal erosion, geohazard. The activities consist:
- Develop technology to characterise permafrost.
- Development of a Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical model of soil in presence of permafrost.
- Ensure establishment of reference datasets to validate and calibrate the soil behavior. - This includes small scale tests but also real scale monitoring.
- To collect feedbacks from projects on permafrost and to disseminate results to R&D.
- To prepare its yearly plan of research activities.

Context and environment:
The position is within Research Center in Moscow. The candidate will travel within Russia and abroad.

Be aware of the latest scientific developments in its field of expertise
Ensure the quality of the research performed
Obtain results with the development of a validated tool to assess soil/structure interactions in permafrost
Disseminate results within Company and promote their added-value
Gain and preserve confidence with people he interacts with

Profile/ Qualifications / experience required:
Candidates should have knowledge in geotechnical or civil engineering, more than 7 years of experience in Research & Development activities with a minimum of a PhD. Speak Russian and English.

E-mail: kolomiets@unity.ru


№ вакансии: 28503

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