Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

Lead HSE Engineer

Архивная вакансия от 24.05.2012


Bolashak Group

Направления деятельности:

Добыча сырья и производство

Регионы работы:

Вахтовый метод


Must: Russian or Belarus Citizenship, minimum 15 years’ experience, Fluent English

Accountabilities and Responsibilities:•A documented risk management policy shall be in place that defines and ensures:
•Roles / responsibilities and competencies required for hazard identification and risk management are defined
•The procedures and tools used to identify hazards and estimate probability and consequence of risks (both normal and abnormal operations) are defined
•The workforce understands the hazards of the operation and is aware of ER plans
•Risks are eliminated, prevented, controlled, or mitigated using a standardized process
•An action tracking system exists to manage timely close-out of outstanding actions from hazard evaluations and risk assessments
•Hazard evaluations and risk assessments are periodically revalidated and updated.
•COMPANY shall have an up-to-date quantitative risk assessment of all production facilities.
•Reportable risks shall be listed in the PSIM Improvement Register. The Operations Director shall ensure that such risks are addressed by dedicated risk reduction projects with adequate resources, clear deliverables, and detailed plans to ensure acceptable risk mitigation.
•Elevated but non-reportable risks shall be listed in the PSIM Improvement Register. The Operations Director shall initiate risk reduction projects for these risks on an opportunity basis.
•The PSIM Improvement Register shall be maintained and kept up-to-date with the complete list of identified major hazards and risks along with the progress of risk reduction (mitigation + elimination). All intolerable risks, but no less than the top 5 risks, shall be reported to senior management on a monthly basis.
•A register of the SCE shall be in place derived from hazard evaluations and risk assessments.
•Key data for protective systems and devices shall be identified, documented, and kept current.
•Protective systems and devices shall have:
•Defined roles based on hazard evaluations and risk assessments
•Specifications for functionality, reliability and survivability.
•Safety Instrumented Functions (SIFs) on new facilities, existing facilities and facility upgrades shall be classified using the SIL process. Alternatively, for existing facilities only, the need for upgrading may be negated if it can be demonstrated that the risks are understood and are within acceptable limits.
•Protective systems and devices shall be function tested and/or inspected in accordance with COMPANY Engineering
•Specifications and Site Operating Procedures, and maintained in good working order:
•Test/inspection intervals shall be determined from their reliability specifications and performance standards
•Tests/inspections of SCE shall be carried out in the due month
•Results shall be analyzed and test/inspection intervals adjusted as necessary to confirm required reliability/integrity is achieved
•Test/inspection programs shall be kept up to date.
•A written philosophy shall exist for alarms , shutdown and blow down detailing design intent and linkage to hazards, risk mitigation and operating procedures.
•A procedure shall be in place for control of overrides/bypasses such that safe operation is assured. A register of overrides/bypasses shall be maintained and regularly reviewed by Operations management.

E-mail: yerzhan.kazybayev@bolashak.com

Телефон: +7 7122 900100 ext221

№ вакансии: 23490

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