Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

Logistic Coordinator

Архивная вакансия от 23.11.2012



Направления деятельности:

Склад и грузоперевозки (логистика)

Регионы работы:



Oil and gas company is looking for Logistic Coordinator:


production and organizational structure, types of Company's activities;
processes and production modes of the Company;
legislative and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation;
methodical and other materials on preservation of the department;
forecasting principles in logistics and logistics planning; bases of design of logistic systems;
principles of design and creation of logistic systems, formations of logistic communications; logistic information systems and their functions;
bases of management, marketing, organization of production, modern business technologies, financial management;
bases of the customs and transport legislation; principles of planning of production; economy and the organization of transportation of goods on all means of transport; methods and order of planning of stocks and management of them; requirements to registration of supplying, transport, warehouse, marketing and financial documentation;
occupational health and safety, environmental protection rules;
means of computer facilities, communications and connections;
business communication ethics;
Company's labor regulations.


operates logistics and purchases (develops plans of purchases; coordinates search of suppliers; directs the analysis of conditions of contracts of deliveries and reliability of deliveries; provides drawing up and timely placement of orders at suppliers; coordinates the conclusion of contracts with suppliers; takes part in definition of types and terms of payments under the signed contracts; will organize interaction with suppliers; provides drawing up of reports; analyzes implementation of orders and results of deliveries;
takes part: in production planning; in management of productions; in ensuring high-quality and timely production; in development and introduction of measures for reduction of a production cycle and optimization of expenses for production; in carrying out organizational actions for certification and production registration;
operates stocks (analyzes plans of production and reports on their performance; plans volumes of the stocks necessary for process production with coordination with expensive base on storage and service of stocks; coordinates works on calculations of expenses for formation and storage of stocks, expenses on acquisition, on operation of places of storage (rent, payments for power supply, the ave.), routine maintenance (storage, inventory, internal displacement), insurance; estimates expenses and costs for stocks; projects and applies control systems of stocks; models stockpile management schemes; develops methods of the account, an assessment and modeling of stocks; coordinates inventory of stocks; supervises a condition of stocks;
operates transportation of the goods, defines a carrier of cargoes, proceeding from the most effective schemes of work of the transport organizations and the most optimum means of transport (according to standards on conditions of transportation of separate types of cargoes), transport tariffs, technical operations, economic and cost indexes of transportation; defines methods and schemes of optimization of transport and technological schemes of delivery of cargoes; provides the conclusion of contracts on transportation, the forwarding and other service connected with transportation of cargoes; develops plans of transportations; will organize technological process of transportation (transfer of cargoes to carriers, control of delivery of cargoes to consignees, coordination of cargo handling works); provides flow of documents of transport and technological process; analyzes quality of transportation and timeliness of delivery of cargoes.
organizes customs registration and a customs clearance of the goods (chooses types of customs modes; provides drawing up and timely submission of customs documentation; provides customs declaring and representation on request of customs offices of the declared goods; defines customs clearance points (on border, at internal customs); develops schemes of minimization of expenses for a customs clearance; carries out search of mechanisms of a preferential customs clearance; provides payment of customs payments;
operates risks in logistics (provides insurance of the equipment, the goods, raw materials, materials, cargoes, responsibility of carriers; will organize actions for ensuring safety of cargoes at transportation, production at storage and internal displacement;
carry out his/her labor activity in Company's interests, following the requirements of corporate policy, and ethical standards of behavior;
keep service documentation in order, regularly review the messages received via e-mail and answer them in a timely manner;
observe Company's internal labor regulations;
observe occupational health and safety rules, environmental protection rules;
not disclose information that constitutes confidential information;
also other obligations established by acts of the employer and/or expressed by the line manager in verbal form and responsibilities which are outgoing from the nature of the appointment/specialty of employee and the character of carrying out job.

Please send your CVs both in english and russian.

E-mail: luiza@fircroft.ru


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