Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

Senior Geologist

Архивная вакансия от 27.10.2010



Направления деятельности:

Геология и геофизика

Регионы работы:



Our Client is mainly concerned with geological exploration, oil, gas and gas condensate production at its own fields which are located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area.


Responsible for applying geological knowledge and tools:

* Well correlation and layering
* Produce geological maps and cross-sections and define geological models
* Support seismic interpretation with the application of Sequence Stratigraphy methodology
* To supervise petrophysical interpretation and log preparation for synthetic
* Supervision of biostratigraphical study
* To identify new plays and support prospects definition through the understanding of basin genetics, integration of structure and stratigraphy, hydrocarbon systems (HCS) evolution;
* To advise on and recommend geological data purchases;
* Exploration/Appraisal reserves calculation and objective risk assessments;
* Supervision of Diagenesis study


* University Degree in Geology
* More than 5 Years in Oil Companies or Research Institute
* Geology & Geophysics advanced courses (preferable)
* Work with Startwork (Landmark) or Startalog (Geoframe ) or Linux based equivalent software
* Wellogs petrophysical interpretation using pc based application (Geolog preferred)
* Petrophysical properties mapping using Petrel
* Exploration /appraisal reserves calculation
* Deep knowledge of: Sequence stratigraphy, Petrophysical well log interpretation, Reserves estimation, Mapping, Well picking & correlation, Biostratigraphy, Diagenesis
* Russian and English language skills, both verbal and written


* Moscow Based
* Voluntary Medical Insurance
* Meals
* Mobile phone
* Exciting, high-profile projects
* The socially responsible company

E-mail: michael.minyazev@mph-cifal.ru

Телефон: + 7 495 937 77 41, ext. 119

№ вакансии: 15397

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