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Onshore Survey Engineer

Архивная вакансия от 29.10.2009


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В компании Shtokman Development AG открыта позиция Onshore Survey Engineer. Если Вам интересна эта вакансия, а Ваш опыт и квалификация достаточны, направьте, пожалуйста Ваше резюме на русском и английском языках на e-mail e.lukovskova@shtokman.ru, указав в теме название вакансии: Onshore Survey Engineer.

Job dimensions

Ensure coordination of onshore surveys, especially Geotechnical and Geophysical activities. Also provides support for the following survey related activities Geodesy, Metocean when relevant.
Survey Engineer manages the approval of surveys results for TEO dossier.
Survey Engineer is managing 1 to 3 surveys contracts and associated studies.

Objective of surveys and associated studies are to clear design basis for all facilities and equipment including, the plant, the specialied sea port, administrative ares and camps. This position concerns the following fields: geotechnic, geophysic. This include the following tasks:
Define needs for survey, Establish detailed scope of works for surveys. Survey will be based on international standard requirements
Coordinate request for proposal, contract preparation, technical and commercial proposal and follow-up of surveys
Сoordinate with future contractor needs for detailed Engineering of foundations
Survey engineer is responsible for the approval of surveys and associated results. Survey engineer manage and ensure that results of surveys (especially geotechnical investigations) is properly used by SDag’s contractors during FEED phase and after.
Survey engineer is also responsible of proper archiving survey data. Work are performed in association with SDag internal services (engineering, contract, HSE …) and external expertise.
Context and environment

The Shtokman project is one of the biggest Gas project in the world today and is technicaly a complex project. It is located in a difficult environment in the Barents sea. The project is managed by an OPCO made with 3 different companies with 3 different Nationalities. Two languages have to be used in the day to day activities Russian and English. Due to the location of the FEED contractors the activities to be managed are differents countries.
The work is performed inside the construction team and in coordination with the Engineering team responsible for FEED studies and TEO dossier. Position is located in project management offices (Moscow) with missions to Russia (St. Petersbourg, Mourmansk) and abroad.

Responsible for the quality and conformity of surveys and studies and accomplish approval of surveys and associated documents for TEO dossier.
Respect of the Operating Company Governance rules and principles, incuding HSE standarts during survey execution.
Qualifications / experience required

From 5 to 10 years experience in oil & gas project developments and surveys
Master degree or equivalent university education. Long, relevant experience may compensate for less formal education. geotechnical
Experience of working in international environment
5 years of experience within survey activities in Russia and past experiences of surveys and TEO dossier
Strong experience of offshore geotechnical activities with knowledge of Russian and Western standards
Russian and English language required

E-mail: hr@shtokman.ru


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