Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

Operations Geologist

Архивная вакансия от 17.12.2010


Направления деятельности:

Геология и геофизика

Регионы работы:



Multinational oil & gas production company

Job Dimension
Development of the field:
- 2P reserves: ~130 Mb.
- Complex (fractured) carbonate reservoirs. Oil bearing formations containing H2S and Wax.
- Production potential ~30 kbopd in 2010.
- Future development phases to be prepared

- Promotes HSE standards in all activities
- Optimizes the quality of all data acquired on wells, except tests and drilling
- Coordinates the definition of well data acquisition programs and the well prognoses in liaison with geosciences and drilling
- Supervises and assists the rig geologists ; defines wellsite procedures and standing orders for data acquisition and safety (liaising with drilling department)
- Interprets or organizes/supervises the final interpretation of data acquired at the well, from real time such as lithology, gas (GWD), LWD, pore pressure detection to logging data
- In agreement with management and liaising with entities concerned, takes the decision to implement/stop unplanned logging, coring, drilling operations
- Guarantees and validates data flow to headquarters, partners, authorities
- Organizes and maintains a data base
- For data acquisition, calls for tender, recommends, contracts, supervises mud/wireline logging service companies, supervises the reception process of their personnel and equipment; defines for each well the personnel and equipment requirements in liaison with management
- Assists Drilling Department for LWD and coring contracts and calls for tender
- Coordinates all relevant reporting on well operations and formation evaluation including final well reporting
- Carries out the evaluation and quantification of formation petrophysical characteristics and fluid content
- Manages the data flow from rig to users and archives
- Participates in geosciences evaluations, recommendations and decisions
- Recommends, monitors headquarters assistance

- Guarantees the pertinence, reliability and quality of all data acquired in wells, except from tests and drilling, abiding by safety rules and within the budget and time frames assigned
- Guarantees the validity of the interpretation of the well data acquired
- Guarantees a proper data flow to headquarters, partners, authorities and a safe archiving
- HSE aspects for all subsurface geological operations

- Autonomous in all aspects of Formation Evaluation services, both in acquisition and interpretation
- Operational and petrophysical background, about 7 years of E&P experience
- Able to negotiate and manage sizeable complex service contracts
- Experience and ability in people management and team working
- Fluent English

- salary
- annual bonus
- compensation package

E-mail: polina.kostyukovich@sgs.com


№ вакансии: 16072

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