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PLC Turnaround Support Engineer

Архивная вакансия от 06.10.2011


Направления деятельности:

КИП, АСУ и автоматика

Регионы работы:



This position will be responsible for preparation and implementation of configuration changes and modifications in PLCs (programmable logic controllers). Must have proven experience in PLC logic and programming with any of the following PLCs: Allen Bradley ControlLogix PLC, HIMA SELLA PLC is a MUST. He or She must be able to create and read logic and flow diagrams for program design, programming, simulation and testing, and start-up.
Experience with Honeywell TPS (TDC3000). Experience with any other Controllers, network configurations and media convertors will be plus. Ability to read AB PLC and AB Control Logic configurations and ladder logics.

E-mail: yerzhan.kazybayev@bolashak.com

Телефон: +7 7122 900 100 ext#221

№ вакансии: 20694

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