Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
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Metallurgic Engineer

Архивная вакансия от 23.02.2010



Направления деятельности:

Добыча сырья и производство, Инженерно-технический персонал ИТР, Оборудование, ремонт/замена, Пуско-наладка оборудования, Строительство

Регионы работы:

Вахтовый метод, Сахалин и курильские острова
Вакансии Procer


We are looking for an experienced Metallurgic Engineer for the project in Sakhalin.
Candidate should:
- have 5-10 years experience of working as Material/Metallurgic Engineer
- Engineering Degree in Material/Metallurgy
- be fully aware of specific material requirement of the international and RF standards (ASTM, ASME, GOST, ets.)
- working in team and be self-motivated.
- willing to travel when required

Candidate will be responsible for:
- Analyzing metal material characterizes of equipment, structures, and pipelines.
- Providing material/metallurgical consultancy to clien
- Conducing quality surveillance of the equipment fabricators & material suppliers
- Conducting Pipe Mill Surveillance & Steel Mill Inspection
- Conducting Material Control Evaluation
- Responsible for Laboratory Material Testing Surveillance

Work location will be Sakhlalin, Salary is negotiable.

- Rotation (Live-in status OR 4 weeks on/off rotation. Depending on clients requirements)
- working schedule (days per week, hours per day) (8 hours per day/5 days per week for Live-in. 10 hours per day during rotation)
- Duration of the contract (1 year contract with prolongation)
- accommodation, food and transportation will be provided free of charge (Accommodation will be compensated for live-in. For rotation all will be free of charge when on working site & transportation to and from work site will be free of charge).

Interested candidates are welcome to send their CV to : procer@mdl.net or natalia.timus@procer.org

E-mail: procer@mdl.net


№ вакансии: 11143

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