Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли


Архивная вакансия от 22.12.2011


Направления деятельности:


Регионы работы:




* Higher engineering education
* 10 - 15 years experience in Oil and Gas
* Knowledge of a broad range of subjects related to Oil & Gas design engineering

* Comprehensive knowledge of relevant legal regulations

* Good knowledge of English
* Knowledge of project development in Russia (state expertise, permitting process, technical approval, Russian Federation norms and standards)


* Ensuring a project is fit-for-purpose and adheres to the project budget and schedule;

* Ensuring all relevant safety objectives and legal requirements are observed;

* Accounting for engineering tasks to ensure they meet contract requirements;

* Developing project-specific procedures for the work to be carried out;

* Identifying and addressing design parameters and engineering problems and ensuring solutions are implemented;

* Ensuring all justifications for contractual variations during projects are maintained to support subsequent commercial claims;

* Evaluating, organising and prioritising work within the overall project schedule;

* Liaising and managing contractors to ensure all equipment is fit for purpose.


* Competative Salary;
* Social Package

E-mail: avoronov@swiftwwr.com


№ вакансии: 21720

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