Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

Deputy Head of HSE

Архивная вакансия от 18.04.2013


RRC Consulting

Направления деятельности:

Охрана труда и техника безопасности

Регионы работы:

Вакансии RRC Consulting


Deputy Head of HSE (to oversee the work with the Yamal LNG)

Non operated HSE Project coordination:
• Participate to all HSE related meetings requiring presence of project Partners.
• Organize regular working sessions with Partners HSE teams in order to facilitate and support the Non Operated Assets (NOA) in the resolution of Project HSE current concerns and to assist in the anticipation of next critical activities.
• Identify the project key HSE milestone (such as HAZOP reviews, HSE audits…) and coordinate support from TEPR/Total when required.
• Assist in the identification and mitigation of Techological Major Risks within NOA.
• Propose for TEPR HSE manager validation the way forward in the resolution of Project HSE current concerns.
Sharing Total referential / Best Practices.
• Ensure that Total values are adhered to within P projects.
• Define the best practices from TEPR/Total and / or documentation which could be used in order to ease the HSE improvement of Non operated Projects.
• Ensure the dissemination of the 12 Golden rules within the NOA.
HSE Training :
• Based on the Total HSE training organization and modules, define the HSE training modules to be implemented within the Non Operated Assets.
• Monitor the progress of the yearly HSE training plan and expenses related to NOA.
• Coordinate with TEPR and Total HQ the training support when appropriate.
Incidents follow up:
• In case of High Potential Incident on Non operated assets, ensure that root causes has been analysed and monitor the implementation of HSE action plan by the Operator/Project.
• Participate in the Incident Investigation in case of High Severity Incident (level 4 or 5) as per Total severity matrix.
HSE reporting
• Personnel with High Degree in Engineering.
• Minimum 10 years experience in Oil and Gas and previous assignment in projects.
• Minimum of 3 years experience of HSE supervision at an operational site.
• Good knowledge of industry codes, standards, legislation on HSE issues and capable to set up Policy and referential.
• Strong personality demonstrating good communication skills (English, Russian) and HSE recognize leadership
Previous International assignment is also required

Andrey Mikheev

E-mail: mail: andrey.mikheev@rrc-consult.com

Телефон: 8(909)995-33-74

№ вакансии: 26436

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