Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
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Экономист по затратам (Cost engineer) Ливия

Архивная вакансия от 06.12.2010


RRC Consulting

Направления деятельности:

Экономика, финансы и бухгалтерия

Регионы работы:

за пределами России
Вакансии RRC Consulting


ob Description:

Job responsibilities
" Cost control of contracts and invoices
" Monthly reporting
" Budget Estimate & Change Tracking
" Contract administration - cost control issues
" Management support - cooperation with finance and operational personnel
Main activities:
" Establish and maintain cost control systems and procedures
" Establish, register and update commitment records for all contracts, purchase & service orders to Shareholders
" Facilitate budget process input and prepare budgets and work program (including revisions)
" Advise and give decision support to management and company representatives on cost issues
" Evaluate and update incurred expenditures and disclose, analyse and explain variances versus budget and forecast. Inform management of all abnormal discrepancies and any non conformances
" Prepare and update cost reports and contribute to other kind of project reports
" Secure proper system for invoice control and commercial follow-up of contracts in compliance with policies and procedures of the company, E&PSA, local regulation and international requirements
" Establish the cash forecast in liaison with other Finance and Operational personnel
" Involve in bid evaluation and contract administration when required
" Supervise and train eventually other Finance personnel
" Liaise and collaborate with external contractors and suppliers, Drilling and Contracting departments as well as accounting.
Context and environment
" Permanent work in Tripoli (Libya)
" Possible travelling within Libya for storage and field sites
" Conduct inventory and assets physical check
" Implement and maintain sound and effective procedures, methods and tools for cost tracking and reporting
" Ensure correct compensation of contractors and suppliers and secure and monitor commitment control in place
" Facilitate effective reporting and support to management and decision makers
Qualifications / experience required
" Costing and controlling experience in Drilling within at least 5 years
" Practical experience in the international companies/projects of oil&gas sector
" Experience of the project control discipline on large/medium oil and gas projects
" Familiar with Cost Control Tools and Excel
" Fluent English, Arabic desirable
" Good communication and co-operation skills, able to work both in teams and independently

E-mail: ryumina@promanov.ru


№ вакансии: 15988

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