Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

Главный бухгалтер (Cheif accountant) Ливия

Архивная вакансия от 06.12.2010


RRC Consulting

Направления деятельности:

Экономика, финансы и бухгалтерия

Регионы работы:

за пределами России
Вакансии RRC Consulting


Job Duties & Responsibilities:

- Coordination of all accounting activities
- Develop Company accounting policies and procedure
- Adopt the global chart of accounts, cost centers and profit centers to local needs (Libyan GAAP)
- Lead the implementation project of the new accounting software system (Sun Systems) in part of
- Drive and coordinate activities of monthly accounting bookclosing including accruals, reporting of main
accounting statements and etc.
- Support the preparation of IFRS Group Reporting Pack on quarterly basis
- Participate in preparation of Corporate Management Reports as per requirements on quarterly basis
- Supervise and control the preparation of the report to business partner on monthly basis
- Maintain efficient and effective accounting processes and internal controls.
- Reconcile Cash and Intercompany accounts on monthly basis
- Prepare and document balance sheet reconciliation on quarterly basis
- Ensure compliance with EPSA and the finance and accounting policies and standards
- Coordinate with internal and external auditors during their visits
- Participate in compilation of Company budget and its monthly follow-up
- Coordinate within Finance and other departments (Operational and Administration)
- Other duties as required to support the department

- Degree in finance and/or Accounting
- Good knowledge of IFRS, relevant certifications would be an advantage
- At least 5-7 years experience in a financial accounting of which a minimum of 3 years in a financial
accounting environment in oil and gas companies
- Ability to manage and influence people
- Experience in implementation of accounting systems in start-up companies
- Experienced MS Excel user.
- Self-motivated with leadership skills
- Team player, able to work independently
- Ability to communicate fluently both verbally and in writing in English
- Work in Libya

E-mail: ryumina@promanov.ru


№ вакансии: 15989

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