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Service Quality Systems Manager

Архивная вакансия от 05.04.2013


RRC Consulting

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Вакансии RRC Consulting


Описание вакансии:
The role of the Service Quality Systems Manager is to achieve consistent and sustainable Segment Service Delivery excellence throughout PA Organization.
He/she is responsible for the deployment, and assurance of Quality Systems and processes in the Area where PA Operate, aimed at systematically and continuously improving service delivery, operations, and overall efficiency and effectiveness. The SQSM will direct the implementation of the quality management system and ensure compliance to operating standards and processes, in order to deliver a higher standard of excellence in service quality through continuous improvement.
Excellence in Execution
• Supports the development, maintenance, implementation & improvement of the servicet Quality Management System .
• Assesses Segment specific Quality risks and defines the Segment Quality plans, standards, procedures, metrics and accountability systems required. Tracks compliance to ensure optimum minimization of risk.
• Defines and records Segment Quality objectives and metrics in line with the overall goals of the organization.

The SQSM reports directly to the Operations Manager and functionally to the Technical director.
• Develops and maintains Managers awareness and ensures that Quality is an integral part of Line Management responsibilities and objectives. Advises Management on quality communication, visibility and corrective action required.
• Ensures Line Management maintains ownership of all SQ related reviews and processes.
• Supports line management to define, implement, and monitor Service Specific KPI’s.
• Provides planning of the required infrastructure and resources and assists Line Management in establishing an organization to deliver required Service Quality results.
• Ensures generic competency (as well as associated training) requirements for Line Management, Employees and Contractors in the field have been defined and implemented. Processes
• Provides planning, coordination, communication and active and visible support and delivery assurance for the Quality Systems including status, results, follow-up, and actions.
• Monitors Compliance, Performance, Efficiency and Trends, encompassing systematic quality audit, verification and assessment programs.
• Ensures Quality reporting is consistent with the requirements of PA-SQ- Standard 01.
• Ensures effective Service Quality Investigation is conducted by the relevant level of the organization, including, but not limited to, root cause identification, red money capture, remedial work plan (RWP) development and effective closure.
• Ensures that all required audits and inspections are carried out and that relevant remedial work plans are developed with effective closure.
• Monitors and analyzes Service Quality leading indicators, results, trends and performance indicators; ensuring remedial work plans address negative trends.
• Conducts Management reviews with senior management to assess the effectiveness of the Quality Management Systems and identifying required improvements.
• Provides input to defining and supports the implementation of Business Systems that streamline and simplify front Line Managers administrative duties.
• Ensures that systems providing asset integrity are suitable and sufficient.
Customer (and / or Commercial) Alignment
• Liaises with clients, third party contractors and agencies. Keeps abreast of any new development or policy related to Quality and informs Management accordingly.
• Assist with the coordination of Client Service Quality Reviews.
• Working with supply Chain, ensure that the necessary tendering and qualification processes are defined and implemented for Quality critical 3rd party suppliers and contractors, commensurate with the level of risk and contracting mode defined, as per Standard.
Ensures that quality risks introduced by 3rd parties are identified, managed and that the performance of these third parties are monitored.

E-mail: tatyana.lisovskaya@rrc-consult.com

Телефон: +7-495-504-13-51 ext.:107

№ вакансии: 26342

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