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Senior Marine Engineer(m/f)

Архивная вакансия от 09.04.2013



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Компания ведет поиск специалистов для выполнения концептуального проектирования морских терминалов для разгрузки СПГ (сжиженного природного газа).
Данная работа будет выполняться для иностранного заказчика, основной ее целью будет выбор оптимальной конфигурации комплексов приема, хранения и регазификазии СПГ, основные требования к специалистам, которых мы хотели бы взять для выполнения данного проекта следующие:
- Опыт разработки концептуальных проектов (или ТЭО) морских терминалов для разгрузки сжиженных газов и/или нефтепродуктов.
- Наличие международного опыта выполнения подобного рода работ.
- Знание английского языка (fluent).

To join our team for the development of small to mid scale LNG supply chain solutions.

Job Description
Develop concepts for the marine facilities.
Develop specific procedures and standards around the marine facilities.
Identify and comply with marine environmental risks assessments and requirements.
Develop and prepare engineering documents and support to other disciplines.
Coordinate closely with specialists from other disciplines and with customer specialists.
Resolve administrative and technical issues associated with his/her works.
Participate in meetings with customers, team members and other project participants.

Engineering degree in marine engineering or equivalent.
Minimum 10 years of professional experience.
Experience in the preparation of studies, reports and engineering documents using state-of-the-art software tools.
Extensive knowledge in design and engineering of marine and coastal structures and foundations such as terminals, piers, bulkheads, breakwaters, berthing and mooring systems, jetties, offloading and loading facilities and dredging.
Familiarity with environmental impact assessment processes and with environmental regulations.
Broad knowledge of industry/regulatory codes and standards, and design criteria related to marine and coastal design.
Good knowledge of material estimates for marine and coastal facilities.
Experience with managing technical and contracting/ subcontracting issues associated with marine and coastal works.

E-mail: ekaterina.makarova@tomsgroup.ru

Телефон: +79112527321

№ вакансии: 25750

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