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Engineering Manager

Вакансия от 17.09.2014



Направления деятельности:


Регионы работы:

Вакансии Staffwell



- Manages a small team of engineering specialists (civil, process, electrical, instrumentation).
- Design optimization of the existing surface production and transportation system (sub-surface well engineering is managed within Petroleum Engineering).
- Design and project management of small project enhancements to the existing system as an integral part of development planning and execution (pipelines, process facilities, roads, pads, etc).
- Conceptual design of larger scale projects.
Execution and design of these projects will be the responsibility of a dedicated Projects Group (gas treatment facilities etc).
- Represent the company in strategic discussions with Third Parties and potential Joint Venture partners.

- Has previously held an engineering management position.
- Sufficient familiarity with the range of engineering disciplines that are relevant for Company's operations.
- Specialist in at least one discipline.
- Strong communication skills in English.
- Team player and able to build excellent relationships with the Field.
- Comfortable with limited in house capability and able to harness external sources of expertise as required.

- Work in Moscow.
- Competitive salary.
- Medical insurance.
- Bonuses.

E-mail: skuzin@staffwell.com


№ вакансии: 29180

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