Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

HSSE Manager

Вакансия от 20.04.2016



Направления деятельности:

Добыча сырья и производство, Охрана труда и техника безопасности, Аудит и контроль качества

Регионы работы:

Москва, Санкт-Петербург
Вакансии Staffwell


• Fully comply with all applicable legislation, HSSE rules and regulations, strategy, policies and procedures and Code of Conduct.
• To provide information, advice and support on occupational Health, Safety, Security and Environment matters related to OpCo’s.This function supports management system development, auditing, training, reporting, standards development, maintaining the HSSE databases and supporting information systems (which include the compilation and distribution of the various reports).
• The HSSE Manager is the main liaison with the OpCos HSSE departments as well as, when needed, local emergency situations, firefighting and environmental protection authorities.
• The HSSE Manager position is responsible for providing support to all OpCos operations. The HSSE Manager has a functional reporting line to the Deputy Managing Director and maintains permanent contact for the purposes of guidance, technical support and development.
• The HSSE Manager is responsible for ensuring adequate HSSE interface / bridging documents are in place for all OpCos in Russia.
• The HSSE Manager shall review on a regular basis all OpCos Emergency Response capabilities (including Blowout, Explosion, Fire, Medical, Pollution Control, etc.) to ensure required standards are met and maintained.
• The HSSE Manager is responsible for verifying if OpCos comply with all HSSE associated Russian Federation Regulatory Requirements (RFRR).
• The HSSE Manager is required to work with OpCos in the identification of HSSE issues and achieve ‘as low as reasonably practicable’ (ALARP) control with minimum business impact. Where legislation dictates standards of control exceeding ALARP, these must be achieved.
• The HSSE Manager has the authority to recommend STOP to any operation where serious or imminent danger to people or the environment exists and the responsibility to support development of actions to prevent harm prior to operations commencing.
• As the HSSE Manager, personal behavior is of the utmost importance to ensure credibility in the role and demonstrate personal commitment to HSSE.
• Represent the company in HSSE technical, operational and other meetings and committees.
• Contribute to the preparation of yearly HSSE budgets, forecasts and economic models. Monitor spending and performance against approved budgets.
• Prepare technical specifications to support tenders and evaluate proposals by third party contractors/potential contractors.
• Perform HSSE audits as agreed with management and OpCos. Produce relevant reports c/w proposals for corrective / performance improvement actions and regularly review implementation of actions and results.
• Ensure within his competence that all relevant certification, licenses and permits as well as any other necessary documents are obtained in time and maintained by the operating entities.
• Ensure within his competencies that all applicable operating procedures are implemented by the operating entities.
• Evaluate and prepare internal and external project overviews.
• Assess operational and business risks of the projects. Propose risk mitigating measures /actions.
• Provide assistance to operating entities with the preparation of HSSE internal corporate and external reporting as well as resolutions on internal and external HSSE issues. Aim at implementing reporting requirements and formats.
• Propose and support implementation of latest HSSE processes, systems and technologies focusing on further improvement of performance.
• Support and organize the implementation of HSSE initiatives by corporate.
• As necessary/requested, engage in publishing, external presentation, research or other scientific activities.
University Degree (Technical), preferably Oil and Gas.
Specific HSSE training courses.
NEBOSH or equivalent certification.
Familiar with the oil and gas upstream industry internationally accepted HSSE reporting formats and standards.
Fluent Russian and English. Knowledge of German is a plus.
Able to design and generate quality reports, compile quality presentations.
At least five year experience as HSSE Manager for an average or major upstream international service company or operator.
Practical HSE experience combined with office experience
Ready to take business-trips
Able to work as part of a multinational team.
Delivering on targets set by taking initiatives and working unsupervised.
Able to establish a constructive and productive working relation with peers from operating entities.
Positive attitude. Self-driven.

E-mail: nsuvorova@staffwell.com


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