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HVAC Engineer (for LNG)

Вакансия от 22.09.2014



Направления деятельности:


Регионы работы:

Вахтовый метод
Вакансии Staffwell


Инженер ОВВК (Отопление, водоснабжение, вентиляция и кондиционеры)
• Determine design requirements for HVAC systems;
• Inspect and analyze systems, determine the condition of systems, and verify operating parameters for accuracy;
• Perform tests and troubleshoot systems. Recommend changes to the system in order to ensure good performance;
• Prepare air distribution ducting plan and HVAC installation drawings for development by the draftsman. Identify standard details and develop new details as required;
• Review HVAC related Design packages and provide comments on HVAC plans and detailed drawings prepared to identify necessary design changes complying with the respective standards;
• Participate in HVAC commissioning activities, conduct walkthrough and prepare exception item list;
• Knowledge of HVAC instrumentation and controls is required;
• Coordinate maintenance programs to determine relative priorities and on-time completion of work in critical operating facilities with available work force;
• Assign maintenance manpower within his assigned area to meet daily changes in operating requirements and priorities;
• Assure that all details of material and equipment are available at Yamal LNG;
• Review Project Proposals to assure that maintenance aspects are considered in final design;
Coordinate maintenance work between Maintenance Divisions when services from various divisions are required.

Higher professional education in a relevant engineering subject
Upper-Intermediate English
Working shifts

E-mail: nsuvorova@staffwell.com


№ вакансии: 29192

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