Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

Maintenance Supervisor

Вакансия от 17.11.2015



Направления деятельности:

Инженерно-технический персонал ИТР, Оборудование, ремонт/замена, Пуско-наладка оборудования

Регионы работы:

Вахтовый метод
Вакансии Staffwell



Management of maintenance team.
Maintenance planning activity.
Responsible for field rotating and static mechanical equipment reliable work.
Troubleshooting, conducting RCA.
Service contracts holder.
Interaction with contactors, control of the works done.


Skilled in mechanical maintenance and repair of rotating and static equipment.
Skilled in troubleshooting. Experience in conducting detailed RCA (root cause analysis) is an advantage.
Skilled in contractor management, communicating and interfacing with suppliers and customers.
Experience in technical reports generation.
Knowledge of CMMS. Previous SAP usage is an advantage.
Knowledge of federal and legislative requirements related to mechanical engineering
Knowledge of welding standards and codes of practice.
Knowledge of condition monitoring of equipment parameters including vibration.


Work within one of the leading international teams in Russian Oil&Gas.
Rotation-based work (28/28).
Competitive salary.
Insuranse, life insurance.
Vacation bonus.
Annual bonus.
Dinners (3 times a day).
Comfortable accommodation (with several gyms, well-organized infrastructure).

E-mail: skuzin@staffwell.com


№ вакансии: 30449

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