Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

Production Chemist Head of Laboratory

Вакансия от 18.09.2015



Направления деятельности:

Добыча сырья и производство

Регионы работы:

Вакансии Staffwell


Main Responsibilities
 Provides high quality technical advice and solutions on all Petroleum Chemistry issues relevant to Exploration and Production operations which include EOR as part of the integrated asset and/ or ad hoc project teams
 Carries out studies and provides operations support in all aspects of Petroleum Production Chemistry and flow assurance
 Provides Petroleum Production Chemistry input to Field Development Plans
 Arrange Company's laboratories on planning and interpretation of sampling and analysis exercises related to Petroleum Chemistry studies
 Provides technical support on stimulation recipes, well bore cleaning treatments and all trouble shooting issues pertaining to EOR (Steam, Polymer, Surfactant and Water Floods)
 Liaises with Drilling and Cement T/L in the Drilling Department on specific Petroleum Chemistry issues related to drilling mud, completion brines, acidizing and cementing for the asset field

Technical Skills & Knowledge
 Experience in starting-up and organising a chemical laboratory
 Ability to gather and review resources; select and synthesize data for reports and other written materials.
 High level of accuracy and competence are required, with special attention to detailed theoretical and proven concepts within the domain of Production Chemistry and Hydrocarbon Physics
 Able to work with all chemical, petrochemical, and petroleum products upstream and downstream

General Requirements
 International exposure
 Working level English is a requirement

E-mail: nsuvorova@staffwell.com


№ вакансии: 30312

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