Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
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Старший инженер-проектировщик трубопроводов в Оман / Senior Piping Engineer in Oman

Архивная вакансия от 14.06.2011


Направления деятельности:

Проектирование объектов

Регионы работы:

за пределами России


Job Description
Piping engineer in one or more teams handling multiple project responsibilities.
Create demonstrable value for customers by understanding their drivers and critical success factors.
- Maintain effective interfaces and relationships within/between disciplines, and peers in other project teams and Customer Operating Units (OU's).
- Execute technical work for FEED and Detailed Designs (designs, specifications, drawings, etc.) within designated CTR scopes.
- Carry out appropriate discipline and inter discipline checks and reviews of engineering and design work
- Remain engaged in design issues and decisions throughout construction, commissioning and start- up
- Capture/apply internal and external learning's and incorporate improvements.
- Deliver continuously improving performance, benchmarked as top tier in the industry.
- Ensure quality of technical work and the technical integrity, functionality, constructability, safe operation and reliability of designs.
- Contribute to excellent USE performance throughout the engineering phase of the project life cycle.
- Time write correctly each week.

Job Requirements
- 12 years experience in the oil and gas industry
- Mechanical Engineering degree or equivalent

E-mail: jobinczech@mail.ru

Телефон: +380502348614

№ вакансии: 18861

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