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Geodetic/Survey data QC supervisor

Архивная вакансия от 21.05.2013



Направления деятельности:

Геология и геофизика

Регионы работы:

Вахтовый метод


Anotech ENERGY is an engineering consulting company with more than 550 employees, specialized in the field of oil and gas. We are the partner of major players in the oil and gas industry and energy sector. Anotech ENERGY is a subsidiary that belongs to Alten S.A which is a French Engineering consulting group that counts over 15 000 employees in 18 countries.

This position is based in Russia. Geodetic/Survey data QC supervisor will be involved in a major Oil & Gas operator’s project.


• Review contract, scopes of work and technical specifications to ensure their correctness in terms of geodetic and survey content.
• Research the basis of geodetic data relating to the project to ensure that the datum, spheroid and projection to be utilized are correctly defined so that final coordinates and levels will be expressed in the correct geodetic and mapping systems.
• As required, analyze data relating to earlier seismic survey projects in the survey area and derive a relationship with current GPS derived coordinates. If required identify and apply appropriate datum shift parameter adjustments to old data sets to bring them in line with the current datum, spheroid and projection for the prospect.
• Analyze existing positional and level data for the prospect and determine required GPS observations to establish the relationships between topographical map detail, satellite or aerial photograph imagery, existing control points, seismic markers and wells. Assemble topographical maps, shot point location maps, well logs, aerial photographs, satellite imagery and other documentation. Produce documents with data related to a single geodetic and mapping framework if required.
• Visit the seismic prospect at or near to start up to audit and report on the seismic contractor’s (and any survey sub-contractor’s) surveying methods, equipment, software and technical procedures to ensure the provision of accurate final coordinates and heights.
• Supervise the establishment of the surveying control network, its GPS observations and processing, and the initial stages of the line surveying.
• As required visit the seismic prospect during or at the end of acquisition to ensure survey data of acceptable quality is being or has been produced.
• As required, visit the seismic prospect and use independent differential GPS (DGPS) equipment to verify plan and height coordinates at selected field stations and/or control points and to analyze the absolute accuracy of geophone station and shot point coordinates.
• Review final reports, maps and list of coordinates to ensure final three dimensional survey data sets meet technical requirements and that data are presented in an acceptable form according to the specifications.
• Subsequently, verify coordinates of proposed wells and establish their ground position using contracted or independent DGPS equipment to ensure that drilling is carried out in the correct relationship to the seismic data set.
• Following civil engineering works to establish the drilling location, ensure that final top hole coordinates and reference orientation are correctly determined and circulated.
• Submit a comprehensive and fully documented independent report on Seismic Contractor’s performance on completion of project. The report should document the survey control network, mention quality control procedures, techniques used to improve data quality or production rates and problems encountered which prevented any of the survey’s objectives from being realized; and should be supported by photographs. Recommendations for future work must be included. This report must form part of the final report to be submitted by the Team Leader.

Context and environment:

• Rotation

Qualifications and Experience required:

• Graduate engineer with 15 years experience in surveying operations. Preferably: BSc. or equivalent qualification, or professional qualification, sounds Knowledge of HSE, with knowledge of working in frozen environments and using both Vibroseis and Impulse sources.
• Fluent in English (speaking and writing)
• Fluent Russian is mandatory.
• Good communication skills, able to work in a multicultural environment.

E-mail: a.larionova@anotech.fr


№ вакансии: 24755

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