Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
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Архивная вакансия от 08.11.2012


Baltic Group International

Направления деятельности:

Добыча сырья и производство

Регионы работы:

за пределами России



Contract Period: Start: 03.12.2012 End: 01.12.2014

Assignment description:
The following responsibilities and tasks will be included in the Job Description:

System design and functionality, specification and preparation for completion and commissioning. Coordination of the discipline activities within the area of responsibility.
Work in the follow-up team for the EPC contract for the Process and Utility area and cooperate with other parts of the Mariner project, i.e. Drilling, Jacket and FSU, as well as the Home support team.
The technical team members shall establish close dialog with relevant Contractor personnel, and with Statoil’s project team members. Contribution to development of a open and good working environment is considered as very important.
The responsibility includes ensuring that the design, within own area of responsibility, is developed and aligned with Authority requirements, other relevant requirements, and the professional ladder.
Ensure that Contractor focus on quality, cost and weight optimal solutions, in time delivery, as well as fulfilling the LCI requirement.
Discipline RISKs shall be established and contribution shall be made to the project overall RISKS. The RISK registers shall be updated on a regular basis.
Plan shall be made for following up Contractor’s work based on the identified RISKs. The plan shall include recordable activities and verifications.
High focus shall be made to proper handling of interfaces.
Identify and evaluate change proposals, and None Conformance Requests related to design.
Continuously search for experiences from other relevant projects and professional ladder, as well as be active in providing experience to others. This includes establishing proposals for improvements of governing documents in Docmap and Aris.
The working place will mainly be at the contractor’s site for the Mariner project.

Mariner Project is a heavy oil field development on the UK continental shelf. The project is planning for a DG3 in November 2012, EPC contract awards in December 2012 and first oil end of 2016. The concept consist of a large PDQ platform (process, drilling and Living Quarter), topside weight approx..31 000 tonne, a jacket substructure, a ship shaped FSU for storage and offloading and infield pipelines and cables. Gas for power generation and a light oil for dilution of the heavy oil will be imported. A new operation centre will be established in Aberdeen.
The Bressay project is very similar to the Mariner projet but the DG2 decision i expected next year in 2013.

*Geographical Office Location for the Mariner Project: Norway /UK/ Asia
*Geographical Office Location for the Bressay Project: Oslo

Competence requirements:
B.Sc. or M.Sc
Minimum 10 years of experience from relevant execution phase projects, preferably with international experience

Personal qualities:
Experience with follow-up of engineering/construction contractors
Co-operational and communication abilities
Structured, systematic and target driven with well-defined goals
Multi-discipline understanding
High HSE and ethical standards
Ability to handle high work load

Language requirements: English

Workplace: Bressay: Oslo, with some travel
Mariner: Is not yet decided (depends on EPC)

E-mail: russia@rcc.no

Телефон: +7 812 363 28 32

№ вакансии: 25255

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