Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

Wellsite Geologist

Архивная вакансия от 19.04.2011


Направления деятельности:

Геология и геофизика

Регионы работы:

Вахтовый метод



* Higher education in Geology;
* Min 5 years of work experience with oil & gas companies: both log interpretation and wellsite geology;
* Carbonate experience;
* Fluent English.


* Supervision of the geological operations and acquisitions at the wellsite and during drilling;
* Verify onsite equipment / personnel availability in time for operations, in coordination with Operation geologist;
* Witness operations and communicate on all issues to ensure safe optimised decisions for data acquisition;
* Verify the accuracy of the data acquired and reported by FE contractors;
* Supervise the Service Companies working under contracts (wireline, mudlogging, LWD, coring). Estimate their performances;
* Update (partly) corporate databases with validated well data;
* Assure & validate the data flow from rigsite to Moscow base and HQ;
* Anticipate & evaluate geological risks (pressure, influx…) during drilling;
* Interpret geological data during drilling;
* Quality control & validation of formation evaluation and drilling data;
* Detect & evaluate reservoirs and fluids (quick-look);
* Pore pressure evaluation if HP environment;
* Prepare the Geological final Well report in due time according to the standard procedures;
* Organize logistic means to fulfill FE acquisition. In direct contact with wireline and mudlogging contractors;
* Promotes HSE standards in all wellsite formation evaluation acquisition activities.


* Great possibilities to develop professional skills and to get career growth

E-mail: nburkova@swiftwwr.com


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