Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

Quick Outcome

Drilling data
The program that is nearing completion at the moment is capable of making a valuable contribution to the Company’s operating and financial performance. Global experience shows that implementation of a new IT tool may reduce drilling costs by 3-10 percent on average and shorten unproductive time (including latent) by 0.7 percent. The average annual economic effect over the next five years of software package operation is estimated to be in the ballpark of $6-7 mln, which offers a quick payback of project investment. Unproductive time was reduced by 0.5 percent as early as 2011 upon partial implementation of some system elements (in particular, the Visualization and Monitoring Center).

Apart from the financial benefits, the new software package will provide:
  • Drilling data availability and accessibility, higher quality data processing and analysis
  • Clear identification of the causes of unproductive time and latent unproductive time
  • Higher quality drilling, shorter well construction time, earlier oil production
  • Increase in daily drilling meterage
  • Faster response to drilling problems and incidents
  • Contractor performance management opportunities

First Russia, then Everywhere

To date, the inter-regional nature of the program has allowed us to cover all of TNK-BP’s Russia-based oil production subsidiaries. At the moment, the program is being implemented at TNK-Nyagan, TNK-Uvat, Samotlorneftegaz, Orenburgneft, VCNG, Rospan International and the Upstream Peer Review and Technical Development Center in Tyumen. Also in the pipeline is a plan to roll out a new IT solution for the international drilling areas operated by TNK-BP at a later time. 

Ключевые слова: drilling, TNK-BP, company
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