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E&M Supply Group

Добавлено: 20.05.2016
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Сфера деятельности компании E&M Supply Group

Drill Pipe is what E&M Supply Group does best. Our South Louisiana location allows for easy access to an ongoing supply of drill pipe that has been liquidated from the Gulf of Mexico offshore drilling industry. Although we buy used drill pipe mainly from the Gulf of Mexico, we also maintain a purchasing network that involves all the major drilling contractors and rental companies around the world.

E&M Supply Group is the largest provider of remanufactured drill collars and remanufactured heavy-weight drill pipe in the industry. Throughout our history we have supplied the drilling and rental industry with top quality stub-welded drill collars and heavy-weight. We utilize only a select few machine shops for remanufacturing, all of whom have mastered the field proven stub-welding procedures that have been used in the industry for decades.

We also supply a complete line of new drill pipe, drill collars, heavy-weight, and kellies. We have a commanding knowledge of all phases of manufacturing of drill string components, and we represent only those manufacturers who demonstrate a commitment to quality control and who are registered with the American Petroleum Institute (API).

Are you looking to buy drill pipe, buy drill collars, buy heavy-weight, buy casing, or buy kellies? If you take a moment to explore our website you will see that you have found the right place. Please contact us if we can help you in any way!

E&M Supply Group will buy used drill pipe, buy used drill collars, and buy used heavy-weight that you have downgraded or retired, and we will liquidate it for you.

Кадровая политика компании E&M Supply Group

Работа в компании E&M Supply Group

Контакты компании E&M Supply Group

Адрес компании: USA, 1647 W Mills Ave

Контактный телефон: 3373320239

Сайт компании: https://www.drillpipesupply.com/

Компания E&M Supply Group на карте

Рейтинг компании E&M Supply Group

Крудэкс (CRUDEX)
5 из 5 3 6203
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Новотекс хандельс (NOVOTEX HANDELS)
5 из 5 2 6842
рейтинг голосов просмотров
5 из 5 2 10191
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E&M Supply Group
  3 из 5 1 2552
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ID материала: 1962 Просмотров: 2552






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