Привет, всем, я был в Калгари в 1995 - оч. понравилось. Сам нефтяник (10лет) Хотя заявления в Канаду подали года 3 назад, сомнения все время мучают. В России риски выше, поэтому и доходность выше. А как там Канаде удасться? пишите на bykov@tmn.ru не очень уверен, что вернусь в чат. Насчет детей согласен, рали них стоит переезжать. Но есть ли смысл на операторвские должности? У меня товарищь лет 10 в Канаде прожил, теперь интересуетя работой в Москве. Говорит и город больше, интереснее и доходы выше. Хотя в Канаде безопаснее конечно
Приветствую всех посетителей топика. Народ, может кто-нибудь знает, какая из специальностей (бурение нефтяных и газовых скважин, геология нефти и газа, разработка и эксплуатация нефтяных и газовых месторождений)будет более востребована в Канаде? Знаю, что вопрос очень общий, но может быть есть ощутимый дефицит на какую-нибудь из этих специальностей? Хочу, пока в России, переучиться из обычного геолога на геолога-нефтяника, но не знаю, на какое направление будет спрос. Если кто знает, подскажите пожалуйста. А то, может и не стоит переучиваться? Спасибо, Юрий
Собираюсь в Канаду на учебу (английский) с последующей стажировкой. Я геофизик-интерпретатор. Подскажите нефтяную компанию в которую можно устроиться для стажировки. Спасибо за любую информацию
Юрий-все перечисленные Вами специализации востребованы в Альберте в той или иной степени,выберите ту которая болле по душе,хотя лично я более склоняюсь к бурению и разработке Ольга-Вы по направлению,обмену или сами?
Здравствуйте! Напишите пожалуйста об образовательных программах для иностранных студентов нефтяных специальностей (гранты, сколяршипы и т.д.)в Канаде. Заранее благодарю.
Дата: Воскресенье, 07.01.2007, 11:44:46 | Сообщение # 170
Группа: Гости
AKITA Drilling Ltd, Calgary Is a premium oil and gas drilling contractor with operations throughout Western Canada and the northern territories. In addition to conventional drilling services, the Company is active in directional, horizontal and underbalanced drilling and provides specialized drilling services to a broad range of independent and multinational oil and gas companies. Beck Drilling and Environmental Services Ltd, Calgary Since 1977, BECK Drilling and Environmental Services has been providing Western Canada with environmental remediation and geotechnical contracting services. We are a privately owned Alberta company, sharing an affiliation with HAZCO Environmental Services Ltd who provide Hazardous Waste Management and Land Reclamation Options. Brinkerhoff Drilling, Calgary Has positioned itself to be a niche player in the drilling business. As such, we pride ourselves on the ability to respond quickly to our customer's needs. At Brinkerhoff, there is no long chain of command. Our experienced personnel offer hands-on knowledge and responsibility that results in immediate decision-making, a highly efficient operation and a safe environment. Computalog Ltd, Calgary Computalog, a wholly owned subsidiary of Precision Drilling Corporation, is a dynamic international oilfield service company specializing in wireline logging and directional and horizontal drilling technologies. Since 1972 Computalog has been providing the knowledge and services to assist customers in reducing their risk and increasing their margins. Cora Lynn Drilling Co. Ltd, Strathmore We offer portable, competitive alternatives to conventional drilling rigs. Our rigs have low environmental impact and are capable of depths from 0 - 700 meters. We have sub structures if a full B.O.P. stack is necessary or we have 1A diverter systems in stock. All our drills are hydraulic top drives. Drillers Technology Corp, Calgary Is engaged in the provision of contract drilling services, operating in Western Canada and the United States. Our rig fleet integrates top drive technology hydraulic power and computerized operating systems into distinctive rig designs that meet and exceed the challenging demands of the oil and natural gas industry. Ensign Resource Service Group Inc, Calgary Since its inception in 1989, the Ensign Group has accumulated an extensive rig fleet characterized by flexibility and mobility for meeting the challenging demands of the oil and natural gas industry. The Ensign Group has also contributed to advancements in drilling and well servicing through the innovative use of technology, and has an established reputation for the highest safety standards and environmental stewardship. Excalibur Drilling Ltd, Calgary Since our inception in 1995, Excalibur Drilling has constructed seven free standing telescopic double drilling rigs. Our rigs operate primarily in Alberta and western Saskatchewan. To remain competitive in the industry, we continually seek the latest industry innovations to keep our rigs the safest and most cost effective. Rigs are equipped with mud tank mounted centrifuges, triplex pumps, disc and rotary brakes. Kinnell Drilling Limited, Calgary Of the five drilling rigs that Kinnell Drilling Ltd. owns we have four telescopic doubles and one cantilever double. Our rigs have competitive capacities from 1000m to 3000m. All of our rigs have many features on a company basis such as two power generators as well as a Kelly Spinner and at least one triplex mud pump. Layne Christensen Canada Limited, Calgary Is a global leader in water well drilling, mineral exploration and diamond drill bit technology. The company provides sophisticated services and related products in four principal markets: water related services & products, mineral exploration, geotechnical drilling and oil & gas services. M & M Drilling Co Ltd, Strathmore Was formed in 1950 and for 52 years has been one of the most reliable water well drilling companies. We drill in Alberta, Saskatchewan and South Eastern British Columbia. We can help you with your water requirements from exploration, drilling, testing, developing and installation of complete water systems from pumps to purification systems. Trust M & M Drilling for all your water needs. Nevis Energy Services Ltd, Calgary Mission Statement: Will provide efficient, reliable and cost effective site-specific drilling solutions to the Oil & Gas Industry. We will incorporate the latest in technology, provide excellence in service and be the industry leaders in reliability and customer satisfaction. Our goal is to have clients equate Nevis Energy Services Ltd. with an investment in their future, not an operational cost. Clients will consider the Nevis team is an operational asset and not just another service company. Newsco Directional & Horizontal Services Inc, Calgary Since opening its doors in 1994, Newsco Directional & Horizontal Services Inc. has made client service and satisfaction its number one goal. A privately owned Calgary-based service company, with satellite offices in Dubai, India, and Ukraine, Newsco provides the people, tools, and service required for Directional and Horizontal Drilling. Northland Energy Corporation, Calgary Is a subsidiary of Precision Drilling Corporation, which prides itself on the superior quality of its people, equipment and services. This strength allows NEC to maintain its position as the world's leader in underbalanced and reduced head drilling applications, while enhancing and growing NEC's conventional well servicing businesses. Management is knowledgeable and intimately involved in operations, as well as committed to training, safety, and environmental protection." Phoenix Technology Services LP, Calgary Is a progressive and innovative directional and horizontal drilling company. Phoenix is based out of Calgary and provides supervision, equipment and technology to the oil & gas industry world wide since 1985. Subsidiary operations have also been set up in the United States. Phoenix Technology Services LP operates a significantly advanced automatic directional drilling system, the Well Director®, which offers substantial operating and cost advantages over other current technologies. Precision Drilling Corporation, Calgary Provides comprehensive services to the oil and gas exploration and production sector throughout Canada and internationally. Precision is the largest land based drilling contractor in Canada and is the leader in both oilfield and industrial services. Ryan Energy Technologies Inc, Calgary Provides exceptional horizontal and directional drilling technology and services. Our innovative approach to operations and technology delivers real-time information on the location of the wellbore and the formations through which it passes. This information, in turn, allows our field staff to direct our drilling assembly and provide geological information to our Clients. The Crossing Company Inc, Calgary Is an innovative company that specializes in the design build of medium to large horizontal directional drilled crossings and horizontal wells. We possess an unparalleled level of expertise, gained through a cumulative 125 years of horizontal directional drilling and oilfield drilling experience. This expertise has also enabled us to build drilling equipment that is state of the art and unmatched in this industry.
Дата: Воскресенье, 07.01.2007, 11:49:24 | Сообщение # 174
Группа: Гости
Top of Form 1
Family Name(surname): KABIRY Given Name: RAMIN Sex: Male * City: TEHRAN Province or State: Country: IRAN Telephone: 0098-021-4429722 Fax: ------------------------- E-Mail Address: ramin_kabiry@yahoo.com Date of Birth(d/m/y): 3/6/1971 City of Birth: MIANEH Country of Birth IRAN Current Marital Status: Married
Level of Education:
Total Years of Education: 18-Years Years of Elementary/Primary School: 8-Years Years of Secondary/High School: 4-Years Years of university/College: 6-Years Years of Formal apprenticeship/training: 18-Years
Post secondary education including name and place of institution
Institution Number 1 From (month/year): 9/1978 To (month/year): 5/1986 Institution: Primary School City and country: MIANEH-IRAN Certificate, Diploma or Degree:
Institution Number 2 From (month/year): 9/1986 To (month/year): 5/1990 Institution: High School City and country: MIANEH-IRAN Certificate, Diploma or Degree:
Institution Number 3 From (month/year): 9/1994 To (month/year): june/2000 Institution: City and country: KHARKIV-UKRAIN Certificate, Diploma or Degree: CHEMICHAL TECNOLOGY OF HIGH MOLECULAR COMPOUNDS CHEMICHAL RESEARCH ENGINEER(POLYMER) MASTER OF SEIENCE IN ENGINEERING
Company Number 1 From (month/year): 9/2000 To (month/year): 11/2001 Occupation: CHEMICHAL DEFENCE Name of Employer: Nuclear power-station City and country: Bushehr-iran Full Time* Job Description CHEMICHAL ENGINEER
Company Number 2 From (month/year): 12/2001 To (month/year): 1/2003 Occupation: POLYMER RESEARCH Name of Employer: OIL COMPANY IRAN City and country: TEHRAN-IRAN Full Time* Job Description CHEMICHAL RESEARCH ENGINEER
Company Number 3 From (month/year): 1/2003 To (month/year): 2/2004 Occupation: DAIRECTER OUTPUT PROGRAM Name of Employer: PLASTIC PEYKAREH City and country: GAZVIN-IRAN Full Time* Job Description DAIRECTER
LANGUAGE ABILITY English Language Speak: Fluently Well * With Difficulty Not At All Write: Fluently Well * With Difficulty Not At All Read: Fluently Well * With Difficulty Not At All
LANGUAGE ABILITY RUSSIAN Language Speak: Fluently * Well With Difficulty Not At All Write: Fluently * Well With Difficulty Not At All Read: Fluently * Well With Difficulty Not At All
THE ADDRESS: tehran-st.ayatollakh kashany.st.bahmaninejad.sakhtomane bahar,vahede 3, Index :14746 Mail ramin_kabiry@yahoo.com TEL:0098-021-4429722
Здраствуйте, я очень долго искал этот форум и наконецто нашёл. Сперва немного о себе№; 1" Являюсь студентом одного из университетов Россси учусь по специальности геофизик- разведчик на старшем курсе. 2" Я в дальнейшем тоже хотел бы иммигрировать в Канаду в Альберту(Калгари). Меня как самого не посвещёногои неопытного интересуют таки е вещи какой нужен минимальный стаж чтобы они взялись за меня и всё случилось & имеет ли хоршую сторону при прохождение процесса второе образование (экономическое тоже имеющее отношение к нефти и газу). №"Да, ещё одна вещь- если я проходил практику в Лукойле и там же буду работать это имеет хорошую сторону при прохождении процесса. 3" Учюсь можно сказать на отлично хотя там это наверное не кого не интересует, всё что я знаю это , то что нужен опыт работы, куча денег для прохождения процесса и себе на первое время, и много терпения, по приезду в Канаду много учёбы и работы, но до этого ещё далеко(Да , а какая сумма предпологается на одного человека, для прожиточного минимума ?) P.S. Да , особую благодарность хочу сказать:" Lilia спасибо , за информацию". Благодарю всех нефтяников за Внимание......
Подскажите где можна скачать литературу по разработке н/г/к, нгпром геологии на рус, ингл
Как на счет организации консультационного сообщества нефтянников/газовиков владеющих "русским". Думаю везде в мире нам проще будет, + это всетаки развитие общее. А то бывает возникают вопросы... Может какоето взаимное опыление получится. Во всяком случае хуже не будет.
" какой нужен минимальный стаж чтобы они взялись за меня и всё случилось & имеет ли хоршую сторону при прохождение процесса второе образование (экономическое тоже имеющее отношение к нефти и газу). №"Да, ещё одна вещь- если я проходил практику в Лукойле и там же буду работать это имеет хорошую сторону при прохождении процесса."
Требования по получению статуса постоянного жителя Канады ко всем одни и те же. Надо зайти на официфльный вэбсайт Канады или обратиться в посольство. Второе образование, я думаю , будет минусом для получения визы, поскольку вместо зарабатывания стажа вы будете учиться, а без стажа работы , даже с десятью дипломами ваши шансы не высоки. Тем более найти применение вашему экономическому образованию здесь вряд ли удастся. Так что мой совет - получайте работу в Лукойле и работайте, а через несколько лет вам может и не захочется ехать в Канаду.
The stupidest advice I've ever heard from Mr. Expert. Lukoil where? The guy is may be trying to make the decision of his life. If he goes to Zadripartovsk or CHeshezhopinsk he is never going to make it back. It is one way ticket for 99% of young people out there.
Why wait for something to change when you can change it yourself.
xХx, , Человек учится, после окончания института у него не будет шансов уехать в Канаду. Ему нужно получить опыт работы. И поехать в Zadripartovsk не самая плохая идея. Опыт практической работы никому еще не мешал и очень пригодится если он потом приедет в Канаду или останется в РФ.