Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

Senior Drilling Engineer

Архивная вакансия от 06.05.2009


Направления деятельности:

Бурение, Инжиниринг

Регионы работы:



Functional Role Level: Engineer Expert - Minimum job grade: Supervisor/Superitendent

Job Purpose: To develop well design and layout optimizing the investments and applying the highest standards of engineering integrity, safety and environmental protection. To draft drilling plan and support its execution providing engineering advise, and updating, when necessary, well design and execution plans.

Main responsibilities:
- Overall technical integrity of well design and execution plan
- Cost effectiveness of well design and drilling program

Key activities:
- Planning and engineering drilling operations in order to achieve technical objectives in safe, efficient and cost effective manner
- Preparing drilling programs including all information as specified in Company procedure
- Preparing estimated cost breakdown of wells to be drilled or worked over
- Operations follow-up
- Recommending changes in some aspects of drilling program (if necessary) to improve drilling and completion methods, techniques and speed.
- Making recommendations when drilling problem occurs
- Tracking and benchmarking drilling performance and costs
- Preparing post well reports
- Carrying out special studies and reports on any aspects of drilling and completion operations as required.
- Providing digital data useful to follow up well operations and produce well profile print-outs and overpressure study. To critically study these data, detect anomalies and propose corrective actions if needed.
- Assisting rigsite operations for specific jobs
- Assisting in the preparation and evaluation of tenders

[b]Education - Engineering degree or high school diploma
Training and Courses:[/b]
- Basic Oil
- Drilling & completion course
- Drilling & completion engineering course
- Geology & Geophysics basic course (preferred)
- Subsurface & Reservoir basic course (preferred)

Languages -Fluent knowledge of English

Required Experience: -7/8 years of Oil & Gas Industry experience - 5 years of drilling engineering experience]

Required knowledge, technical or professional skills:
- Drilling Activities: Drilling Operation, Mud Line Suspension, Horizontal Drlg, Dril.Fluids&Cement&Cem.Op.Design/Operat., Well drilling experience
- Advanced Drilling: Lean Profile, Underbalance Drilling, Coil Tubing Drilling
- High Profile Drilling: Extended Reach Drilling, Hp/Ht Drilling, Simultaneous Drilling, Wellbore Stability/Sand Production/Prediction&Control

E-mail: tsergey@brunelcr.ru

Телефон: +7 (495)783-66-77

№ вакансии: 6106

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