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Completion Engineer

Архивная вакансия от 25.02.2012


Air Energi

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Вакансии Air Energi


Completion Engineer

Implementation of completion projects to ensure maximum efficiency of completion through application and implementation of best technology, methods and equipment, in line with Russian standard methodologies, norms and rules, as well as Company technical standards and regulations.
The deliverable is operation of well and equipment in an optimal operating mode, minimized Opex, timely response to changes in technical and process parameters and completion procedures.

Preparation of project conceptual basis for specialized completion projects

Preparation of detailed design for specialized completion projects

Knowledge transfer to target subsidiaries

Improvement of standard completion procedures in the company

At least 12 years of working experience in oil and gas industry in the area of drilling, completion design, development, current and capital workover

Work place is Tyumen, Russia

RUSSIAN, English - fluent

E-mail: dbarkoff@airenergi.com


№ вакансии: 22267

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