Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

logistics BDM

Архивная вакансия от 18.02.2009


Energy Careers

Направления деятельности:

Склад и грузоперевозки (логистика)

Регионы работы:

Вакансии Energy Careers


An international logistics company is looking for a Business Development Manager for Moscow representative office. Company is a nimble, multicultural, full service logistics provider with 10 plus years of expertise in Russia and the Russian Far East.

Our client is a leader in logistic services, positioned in some of the most challenging areas of the globe. The company specializes in meeting the ever-changing requirements of shipping to and from these territories using their local knowledge and staff.

In Russia Company provides such services as:

Global Ocean Transportation Services

Full Service Marine Logistic Provider

Charter and Direct Service Charters

Inland Services

Specialized Procurement Services


The successful candidate will need to interface with customers (commercial/technical) for the generation of day to day sales/marketing functions and project sales. Also, this individual needs to be able to determine new market initiatives, competitive pricing and business forecasting.

An undergraduate degree is required. The successful candidate will be a proven sales professional with a minimum of 5-10 years experience selling logistical services to the energy industry. Specific experience and contacts with oil and gas owners, EPC firms, and drilling contractors is desirable. The right candidate could also have a background in mining or other large project experience such as electric, water and power plants.

E-mail: olesya@energycareers.com

Телефон: (495)988-42-06

№ вакансии: 4350

Контакты работодателя Все вакансии компании Просмотров: 6707
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