Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

Reservoir Engineer - Simulation

Архивная вакансия от 01.11.2010


Energy Careers

Направления деятельности:

Разработка месторождений

Регионы работы:

Вакансии Energy Careers


 Make sure HSE concerns are properly addressed on day-to-day activities, especially when requiring or supervising data acquisition.
 Run reservoir simulations with Objects 2 & 3 dynamic models for production forecast and reserves estimate.
 Evaluate the impact of static and dynamic uncertainties on the results.
 Update dynamic models with production history (reservoir pressure, production tests, PLT…), laboratory data (CCAL, SCAL, PVT…) and geological information.
 Be pro-active in geological models update based on production history (integration of dynamic information in static modelling)
 Develop a team spirit with the geologist and the geophysicist for geological and reservoir modelling activities.
 Contribute to optimizing the field development scheme; in particular production / injection pattern, number and location of wells, well architecture, artificial lift…
 Participate to the elaboration of the data acquisition program on site (logs, production tests, pressure measurements…) and of the laboratory scope of works (core and fluid analyses). Make sure that these programs are properly designed to reduce remaining uncertainties.
 Organize and maintain the reservoir simulation archives and back-up. Liaise with GSR data management policy.
 Participate to the interface with Russian Authorities (TsKR, GKZ, NAO…) and with consulting institutes when needed.
 Act as interface with the company permitting department.
 Occasionally, provide assistance to the production monitoring engineer and/or DO for the preparation, supervision and interpretation of specific well interventions such as PLT, build-up, initial well testing…
 Properly evaluate and deal with uncertainties and put into action adequate sensitivities and/or necessary studies

 Responsible for oilfield reservoir simulations
 Responsible for proper production forecast in due time
 Accountable of reservoir management (data acquisition results) integration in reservoir simulations
 Regular update oilfield reservoir models with drilled wells results and laboratory data.
 Responsible (with the production monitoring reservoir engineer) of an adequate dynamic synthesis

 Good knowledge of reservoir numerical simulations. Understanding in geophysics & geology
 Critical sense with regard to data quality and results accuracy.
 Willingness to occasionally travel to the field for supervising production tests.
 Ability to synthesize and share complex results.
 Ability to maintain good relationship and communication with other departments, such as DO.
 Ease with computer use. Familiar with Eclipse software and data manipulation.
 Fluent in English, French and Russian useful.

E-mail: anna@energycareers.com

Телефон: (495)988-42-06

№ вакансии: 15514

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