Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

Senior Reservoir Geologist

Архивная вакансия от 22.08.2011


Energy Careers

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Вакансии Energy Careers



Promotes HSE standard in all activities
Integrates and validates all geological data (mudlog, electrical logs, cores, etc.) related to the fields and creates/consolidates the data base (assisted by the DB Mgr.)
Performs/QC’s log evaluations, well correlations, implements clastic sedimentology knowledge
Realizes and guarantees all static data interpretation, review and synthesis, in coordination with geophysicist and reservoir engineer.
Ensures the integration of specialist and/or transverse geosciences studies in headquarters;
Takes part in a proper weighing of data / assumptions stemming from different disciplines;

Creates/updates 3D geological models in order to evaluate the in-place volumes;
Performs the quality control of geological evaluations performed by third parties (Institutes, Operator) in order to obtain most realistic Official evaluation of in-pace volumes (GKZ)
Major contributor to the new development plan, reserves estimates, production profiles;
Evaluates the exploration stakes and prepares the documentation for internal approval;

Proposes data acquisition plans, especially during wells preparation phase (exploration/development).
Verifies that non-operated planned exploration and development wells are optimally located /planned and will be delivered in line with expectations (net pay exposure, deliverability);
Represents geology discipline in TEPR in front of partners and any external party;

Guarantees the correctness, availability of geological data and the validity of the interpretation of these data;
Guarantees an optimal use of data and interpretation to establish the in-place volumes of the fields (base case, uncertainties)

HSE awareness;
Experience of all-around reservoir geology (including 3D geological model building/updating and operations, exploration evaluation);
Familiar with GKZ process;
Experience (>5 years) and ability in people management and team working;
International mobility;

E-mail: anna@energycareers.com


№ вакансии: 18853

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