Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

Senior Reservoir Geologist

Архивная вакансия от 22.08.2011


Energy Careers

Направления деятельности:


Регионы работы:

Вакансии Energy Careers


International Oil Exploration Company


- Promotes HSE standard in all activities
- Validates and analyzes all geological data relating to the field; maintains the data base (assisted by the DB Mgr.)
- Realizes and guarantees all static data review and synthesis, in coordination with geophysics
- Validates all geological data analysis and interpretation (mudlog, electrical logs, cores, etc.).
- Updates the 3D geological models of Objects 2 and 3, in interface with reservoir engineering and geophysics; takes part in a proper weighting of data / assumptions stemming from different disciplines
- Major contributor to new development plans, development plan adjustments, OOIP & reserves estimates, production profiles
- Performs/QC’s log evaluations, well correlations, implements carbonate sedimentology and diagenesis knowledge
- Proposes, optimizes, and implements when appropriate, data acquisition plans, R&D programs, especially during wells preparation phase.
- Responsible for the well preparation process within GSR: organize interface with DOD for proper SOR preparation
- Represents geology discipline in TEPR in front of partners and any external party
- Train and ensure development of Reservoir Geologist
- Responsible for all geological data analysis and interpretation (mudlog, elec. log., cores, etc.). Supervises external or RFS studies
- Follow up Lukoil engineering activities to submit in due time the GkZ dossier as well as the FDP to the TsKR.


- Guarantee the correctness and availability of geological data in field
- Guarantee the validity of the interpretation of these data
- Guarantee its optimal use for defining and formalizing the geological characteristics of the field, and the associated uncertainties
- Ensure GkZ and TsKR dossiers are submitted in due time and ensure the follow up.


- HSE awareness
- Experience of all-around reservoir geology (including 3D geological model building/updating and operations), in carbonates if possible
- Experience in geological modeling
- Experience and ability in people management and team working
- International mobility

E-mail: anna@energycareers.com


№ вакансии: 19461

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