Работа в нефтяной и газовой отрасли
OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

Chief engineer of projects

Вакансия от 08.08.2014



Направления деятельности:


Регионы работы:

Вакансии MainStaff



Experience in construction of 8-10 years, the successful experience of implementing projects in the field of installation and construction;
knowledge of normative documents and legislative acts in the field of construction;
Organization of contract tenders, knowledge of rules of the compilation and estimate documentation;
Scheduling of works and financing of construction budget;
Applications: MS Office, MS Project - advanced user, AutoCAD/Archicad - print
* Higher education (specialty - engineering, construction)
Knowledge of languages is Obligatory proficiency in English (the possibility of negotiations with foreign partners and clients)
Driving license - Category B

development and implementation of projects in construction, management of construction works (construction personnel), technical supervision of construction, work with design, installation, construction organizations, the control of preparation of necessary documentation, control of terms of execution of projects, preparation of project reports, consulting of clients on questions of interest, design, work in AutoCAD, management of design Department.


Salary by results of interview
Bonuses and bonuses provided by
Probation period - 3 months. Additional training as necessary service
Compensation and benefits - provision of mobile services payment, laptop and car.
Address: Yuzhnaya metro (10 min walk from metro station)

E-mail: rabota@mainstaff.ru

Телефон: 8 (495) 988 7672

№ вакансии: 29010

Контакты работодателя Все вакансии компании Просмотров: 5450
Оцените вакансию 3 из 5 1 5450
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