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OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

Offshore HUC Superintendent

Вакансия от 04.08.2014


Citilink Professional Services

Направления деятельности:

Супервайзинг / контроль за процессом

Регионы работы:

Вахтовый метод


A large international company is looking for professionals to one of the biggest oil & gas project in Russia and invites candidates for [b]Offshore HUC Superintendent[/b] position. [b]Job requirements: [/b] ▪ Higher engineering education ▪ 10+ years in the oil and gas industry ▪ Regulations, rulings, orders and other instructive, methodological and regulatory legislative documents relating to the production activities ▪ Policies, procedures and local regulatory documents of the Company ▪ The Company’s activity profile and its development prospects ▪ Technologies of the performed works, business systems and their applications ▪ Procedures for preparation and execution of the necessary documents ▪ Fundamentals of economics, labour legislation, labour organisation and management; rules of health and labour safety, industrial sanitation and fire prevention ▪ All the aspects of mechanical equipment engineering support at offshore facilities ▪ Knowledge of the Russian industrial occupational safety requirements (Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision) ▪ Good written and spoken English ▪ Readiness for rotational schedule 28\28 days [b]Accountabilities: [/b] ▪ Implementation of HSES programmes ▪ Perform mid year and yearly subordinate goals and performance reviews ▪ Development of WCC’s and review ISSOW to ensure construction and maintenance of safety standards at the high level within the Construction Team ▪ Provide daily consultations on technical issues and draw up a work plan for the Construction Team ▪ Deliver timely daily reporting for construction and commissioning progress ▪ Work with design documents / work tasks for the purpose of their optimisation, with due consideration of construction-related issues ▪ Interact with installation contractors, clarify all design issues to ensure safe and Efficient installation of piping and structural fabricated equipment,its testing and verification documentation for handover ▪ Participate and prove construction estimates for installation and errection in the Company activities with regard to planning/scheduling/control over the work progress/cost calculation ▪ Drive the timely delivery of project materials for offshore arrival to support construction milestone plans ▪ Participate in ensuring technical completeness and integrity of the facilities under construction ▪ Work at large, already constructed offshore facilities, concurrently with production and drilling operations; and coordinate portfolios of about 80 various projects using a developed General Construction and Commissioning Plan, together with individual work package jobcards of construction and commissioning documents [b]Company suggests:[/b] highly competitive salary, attractive social package, relocation package (travel expenses, accommodation, relocation bonus etc.), 50+ paid vacations days/year; professional trainings, excellent career opportunities.

E-mail: mk@citi.ru

Телефон: (495)771-7111

№ вакансии: 28458

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