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Drilling process
Drilling process
A project team that is structurally unique and balanced in terms of competencies was set up to tackle the above challenges. The team consists of a Governance Board, Gokhan Aker, Project Director, Single Point of Accountability (SPA) Azat Garifullin, central project team in Moscow and an expert group in the Drilling Support Center in Tyumen. Local working groups were arranged at the level of each Target Sub covered by the project under the guidance of the Drilling Directors, Single Points of Accountability and responsible IT representatives from the Target Subs.

The contractors’ project team leaders also played an important part in the integrated project management process. In...Читать дальше >>>

Промышленность | Просмотров: 1106 | Дата: 28.07.2015 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1

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