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​Booster Station
​Booster Station
Ensuring quality treatment, transportation and delivery of oil is a top priority task in production operations. To this end Varyoganneftegaz is implementing the program to reconstruct the booster pumping station (BPS) in the Verkhne2Kolik2Yoganskoye oil field.

This past year of 2004 was extremely intense for the personnel of the Base for oil and gas treatment and transportation at Varyoganneftegaz. The year-on-year growth of the company's oil production by over 17 percent translated into considerably higher volumes of production liquids that were treated to stock oil that meets the official quality standards.

The bulk of production growth came from the Verkhne-Koli...Читать дальше >>>

Прочие | Просмотров: 1777 | Дата: 14.03.2016 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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