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OilCareer.Ru Работа и карьера в нефтегазовой отрасли

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Seismic Data Storage
Seismic Data Storage
A robust E&A program is one of TNK-BP’s strategic priorities. Last year, the Company invested an additional $29 mln in E&A despite the financial crisis, and in the next 10 years annual exploration funding will amount to $350 mln to $400 mln. A project to create a modern seismic storage facility recently completed by Tyumen Petroleum Research Center (TNNC) will facilitate exploration data handling and bring it up to a brand new level.

Field shooting data constitute a considerable part of E&A results. In TNK-BP, this information is stored in electronic form (magnetic tapes, exabytes, and CDs) in Tyumen Petroleum Research Center (TNNC) along with the final re...Читать дальше >>>

Наука | Просмотров: 2338 | Дата: 03.05.2016 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

Permanent Magnet Motors
Permanent Magnet Motors
Asynchronous submersible electric motors are currently used most commonly to drive electrical submersible pumps. At the same time, the possibility of improving their performance has been practically exhausted, and the need to reduce power consumption presents specialists with the task of increasing the efficiency of energyintensive technological processes including ESP oil production. Permanent magnet motors, which already occupy a leading position in a number of fields, have better performance characteristics than asynchronous electric motors.

ESP system drives based on permanent magnet motors were not used in the oil industry until recently, but they are currently ...Читать дальше >>>

Промышленность | Просмотров: 1394 | Дата: 03.05.2016 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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