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​Collaboration with Project Teams: Own Experience

​Collaboration with Project Teams
As a specific example of the request fulfillment on making cost forecast / calculation for field facilities construction, we can consider cooperation with Rospan International and Gas Orenburg-Saratov project teams. Working with Alexei Kalinin on the Rospan project we made cost forecast for trunk gas pipeline construction, and in collaboration with Kirill Zaitsev from Gas Orenburg-Saratov project we evaluated costs on gas compressor station and industrial pipelines construction.

Innovator earlier published an article on Metrics Database (MDB) setting up (see "Metrics Database – TNK-BP's New Project Management Tool", Innovator #7). In addition to MDB a software and user manual for project teams were created. They can be used for collection and verification of the information covering the list of the field facilities to be built in accordance with the CPP program. Standard Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) has been developed within the frame of MDB project; and information on the cost of the field facilities built is collected. This information is involved to MDB program shell which has been tested. Metrics Database has been commissioned and enables to achieve objectives important for the Company.

The issues listed below are of the most priority: Bringing Company's capital expenditures against barrel of oil produced and projects under execution in compliance with those of the major international oil companies aiming to increase shareholder value, attraction as an investment and competitiveness of TNK-BP.

Сarrying out benchmarking studies, exchange with an information and making comparison with the companies doing monitoring of the capital investments for the Performance Forum (PF) – a meetingclub of the oil producers in the North Sea region and other offshore territories. The Company collaborates with this organization since 2005.

Providing information for the project teams which is needed for capital expenditures forecast and for Cost Experts Group development: Resource and Technology Method of the cost forecast / calculation for the field facilities construction.

Project Control Dept. presents MDB training course on the structure and principles of operation including options of its effective application and project execution monitoring / control using standard breakdown of work and cost. This training course has been successfully passed by the representatives of Ust Vakh, Kamennoye-1 and Verkhtarskoye project teams.

In conclusion it is worth to mention that the objective of this system is to transfer information and practical experience related to the cost forecast / calculation of the project capital expenditures to the project teams.

It is also proposed to establish a society of cost engineers. So, we call all the cost engineers, working for project teams, and specialists dealing with cost forecast / calculation for the capital construction for supporting our initiative. The establishment of this society will contribute to the solution of professional problems of the cost engineers. Probably, a description of new specific knowledge and competencies a cost engineer willing to enter the society must possess, will be the subject for an individual article.

Ключевые слова: gas, TNK-BP, company, program
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