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Upgrading Refinery Automation
Upgrading Refinery Automation
TNK-BP's refineries are in the process of upgrading instrumentation and control systems, as part of the five-year strategy. For technical and commercial reasons this investment program must be made at each refinery in stages. In order to fulfil the ultimate aim of automation, which for us is to deliver optimum value to our refining assets, we have to determine which technologies to invest in, at which refineries and on which processes to implement them, how to implement and support these (i.e. manpower issues) and when to perform all the above mentioned actions.

There are five refineries in TNK-BP, ranging from small and simple to large and complex. Th...Читать дальше >>>

Промышленность | Просмотров: 2169 | Дата: 03.05.2015 | Рейтинг: 4.0/1

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