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Hydraulic fracturing
Hydraulic fracturing
Hydraulic fracturing is one of the key areas of Сatobneft LLC operations. Our company is a TNK-BP contractor since it came to work at the Samotlor field. Over this time we have performed over 700 frac jobs at Samotlor and East BU fields and their number is growing every year.

Our company has its own physicalchemical analysis lab. This enables us to control the quality of chemicals, proppants, analyze liquids for preparing gels, properly select chemicals for each specific frac job.

Improving the quality of our services is a priority task for our company. In 2005, in order to control vertical fracture our frac team implemented the line buffer and early phase pr...Читать дальше >>>

Пресса | Просмотров: 1784 | Дата: 04.06.2016 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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