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Heavy Oil
Heavy Oil
LLC JV Vanyoganneft operates the Vanyogan and Ai-Yogan licenses around 120 km to the northeast of Niznevartovsk in Western Siberia. LLC JV Vanyoganneft is a joint venture between Occidental Petroleum and TNK-BP, each holding 50 percent.

The licenses were awarded to the company in 1993, production having started in 1987 from deep formations in the fields. Vanyogan has many productive formations ranging from the Upper Pokur (PK) through to Jurassic formations. There are currently 54 zones under development, 22 in the PK and Achimov, 11 in the A sands, and 21 in the B and J sands.

Over the past few years, production from all zones at Vanyogan has been at around 2.5 mln t per year. Now ...Читать дальше >>>

Пресса | Просмотров: 2048 | Дата: 30.06.2016 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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