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Упражнение по Английскому языку №9

to be above it all, to be against, to be after, to be about, across from, back to back, before you can say Jack Robinson, before now, by then, by now, by that time, come about, come across, come again, come along, come between, come and go, come apart, come back, come in, make it.
He is above it all.
She is above it all.
I am above it all.
They are above it all.
You must be above it all.

I am against it.
You are against it.
He is against it.
She is against it.
We are against it.
They are against it.

They are after me.
They are after him.
They are after you.
They are after her.

That's what love is about.
That's what work is about.
That's what the old place is about.

They live across from us.
She sat across from me.

We stood back to back.
Back to back we can do.

I can make it to that place before you can say Jack Robinson.
We can make it to that place before you can say Jack Robinson.
He can make it to that place before you can say Jack Robinson.
She can make it to that place before you can say Jack Robinson.
They can make it to that place before you can say Jack Robinson.

It was OK before now.
He was OK before now.
She was OK before now.

I was there by then.
He was there by then.
She was in that place by then.
They were in that place by then.

I want to be there by that time.
We want to be there by that time.
He wants to be there by that time.
They want to be there by that time.

I must be in that part of the place by now.
She must be with him by now.
They must be there by now.
We must be in that place by now.

This can come about if we want it.
It can come about if all of you want it.
It can come about if you tell it to the people present.

I came across him there.
I came across her there.
I came across them in that old place.
I came across you because I know where you can be this year.

Come with me.
Come along with me.
Come along with her.
I want to come along with you.
I want to come along with you to that place.

Come back.
Come back to me.
Come back to this place.
Come back with her to that place.

I don't like people who come between me and my work.

I come and go.
She comes and goes.

The place comes apart.

She will never come back to him.
He will never come back to her.
We shall never come back to that place.

Ключевые слова: язык, Английский, Упражнение

Категория: Нефтегазовый английский | Добавил 01.02.2008: OilCareer | Просмотров: 11233

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